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一、辨原题小学语文中的不少文章,有的是名著的节选,有的是改写缩写。《草》节选自白居易《赋得古原草送别》的前四句。这是白居易应考时的习作,指定、限定的诗题叫“赋得”。作者想借春天的草景来表达送友人的离情别绪。造作教材后,考虑到学生的接受能力,只摘录了前四句,诗题改成了“草”。这样一改更突出了野草枯后复荣,竞生不息的顽强生命力。清代作家纪晓岚的《唐打措》原是文言文,后经吴祖湘翻译改写成《唐打虎》,虽是一字之改,但突出了唐打虎一家的高强本领。读题时要善于把修改后的题目与原题比较,进一步体会作者和编者的用意,这对我们把握文章的重点和难点很有启发二、辨体裁小学语文的体裁多种多样,从 First, identify the original primary school Chinese a lot of articles, some excerpts of the famous, some are rewritten abbreviations. The “grass” section is selected from the first four sentences of Bai Juyi's “Farewell to the Original Grass.” This is the practice of Bai Juyi when examinations, designated, limited poem entitled “Fu.” The author would like to use the spring grass to express his farewell to friends. After making a textbook, taking into account the students' ability to accept, only the first four sentences are extracted and the poem is changed into “grass.” Such a change highlights the weeds after the Qufu, competing tenacious vitality. Tang Xiaochu, a writer of the Qing Dynasty, was originally a classical Chinese poem. After being rewritten by Wu Zuxiang and rewritten as “Tang Tiger,” it was a word change, but it highlighted the powerful skills of the Tang Tiger. Reading questions should be good at comparing the revised title with the original title to further understand the intention of the author and editor, which is very important for us to grasp the focus and difficulty of the article. Second, identify the genre The primary school language variety, from
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