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随着改革的不断深入,多媒体已经进入了小学语文课堂。它集图形、文字、动画和声音于一体,能创造生动、形象交互的开放式教学环境。它具有大容量、多信息、激趣性、突破性和高效性。在语文学科中运用多媒体,可以控制和利用教学过程中的各种信息,统一教学过程中 With the continuous deepening of reform, multimedia has entered the Chinese language classroom in primary schools. It combines graphics, text, animation and sound in one, and can create a lively and interactive interactive teaching environment. It has a large capacity, multiple information, exciting, breakthrough and high efficiency. Using multimedia in the language discipline can control and use various information in the teaching process and unify the teaching process
染纸可有趣了,想试一试吗?准备好彩色墨水、调色盘和几张小小的方形宣纸。  在调色盘里挤上喜欢的颜色,注意颜色要有深有浅。  用不同的方法折纸,染纸时会有不同的效果。
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信息化社会决定了语文教学内容要更加开放丰富,要不断拓展小学语文的阅读。拓宽语文课程资源,树立大语文观;优化教学环节,拓展学生阅读视野。 Information society determin
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