奥迪100 2.2E轿车发动机故障分析

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奥迪100 2.2E轿车发动机(简称五缸机)燃油喷射系统是一种机械液力控制的喷油系统,属于德国生产的K-Jetronic喷射系统。它是我国轿车向微机控制燃油喷射发展过程中的一种过渡机型。该机型在发动机工作时,燃油由电动燃油泵从油箱吸入,通过燃油滤清器和蓄压器进入燃油计量分配器,空气自空气滤清器吸入,经空气流量计测量后通过进气管进入发动机气缸。燃油计量分配器根据所测的空气量,将所需油量通过相应喷油器分配到各个气缸。冷起动喷油器在冷起动阶段将额外的燃油喷入进气管,它由热敏时控开关控制。暖机凋 Audi 100 2.2E sedan engine (referred to as the five-cylinder engine) Fuel injection system is a mechanical and hydraulic control of the fuel injection system, belonging to the German production of K-Jetronic injection system. It is a transitional model in the process of the development of China’s sedan to computer-controlled fuel injection. The model in the engine work, the fuel from the electric fuel pump sucked into the fuel tank, through the fuel filter and accumulator into the fuel metering dispenser, air suction from the air filter, measured by the air flow meter through the intake pipe into Engine cylinder. The fuel metering distributor distributes the required amount of fuel to each cylinder through the corresponding injector based on the amount of air measured. The cold start injector injects additional fuel into the intake manifold during the cold start phase, which is controlled by the thermal time switch. Warm withered
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目的 探讨漏斗胸肋软骨生物力学特性。方法  19例漏斗胸患儿肋软骨手术标本经处理后 ,用日本岛津AG 10 0 0A电子式万能实验机行拉伸、压缩和弯曲试验 ,载荷精度 0 .2 5 % ,
3 供油系常见故障及快速排除方法供油系的故障有时看起来似乎很复杂,但其主要的症结不外乎是堵、漏、坏3种,只要细致地、有步骤地进行检查就不难找出常出现故障的部位。 3.1