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小黑杨是中国林科院林研所等单位从1960年开始,以我国耐旱、耐瘠薄的小叶杨为母本,以苏联高度抗寒的欧洲黑杨为父本,人工杂交培育出具有亲本双方优良特性的新品种。经过在黑龙江、吉林、内蒙、山西等地复选、试种、推广,证明小黑杨在“三北”地区适应性广泛,具有速生、抗寒、耐早、抗病虫等综合优点。七十年代中期在“三北”地区广泛栽培,与当地小叶杨相比,具有显著的杂种优势,深受群众喜爱。在中等肥水条件下,采取科学营造技术,年平均胸径生长2—3厘米,材积生长为小叶杨的1—3倍。截止1984年底,小黑杨在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙、山西等地推广面积已达900多万亩,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。但林业科研周期长,见效慢,其成果的经济效益往往不被人们重视,有关部门也存在着不愿给林业科研投资的倾向。因此,对林业科研成果进行经济评价,考察它能否带 Populus euphratica is a member of Forestry Research Institute of China Academy of Forestry from 1960 onwards, with our drought-tolerant, infertile Populus as the female parent, the Soviet Union highly resistant to cold Populus as the male parent, artificial breeding with The new varieties of both parents excellent characteristics. After being checked in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi, the trial planting and popularization proved that Populus simonii has a wide range of adaptability in the “Three Norths” region and has the advantages of fast growing, cold resistance, early resistance and disease resistance and insect pests. In the mid-1970s, it was widely cultivated in the “Three Norths” region. Compared with the native Populus tomentosa, it has significant hybrid vigor and is loved by the masses. In the medium fertilizer conditions, to take science to create technology, the average annual diameter growth of 2-3 cm, volume growth of Populus 1-3 times. By the end of 1984, Populus euphratica had reached more than 9 million mu in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places with a total area of ​​more than 9 million mu, resulting in huge economic and social benefits. However, the forestry research cycle is long and slow, and the economic benefits of its achievements are often not valued by people. Relevant departments also tend to be unwilling to invest in forestry research. Therefore, the economic evaluation of forestry scientific research to examine whether it can bring
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