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仰韶文化时期的半坡史前聚落遗址是一处十分典型且颇具有代表性的史前聚落遗址。研究该遗址的考古发掘材料以期了解当时居民的营造技术,对深入了解史前聚落居民社会生产生活情景具有一定的意义。本文依据半坡遗址考古发掘报告~([1])中所刊布的考古学材料,初步探讨了半坡史前聚落居民的营造技术,并就教于专家学者。上世纪的50年代,考古工作者大规模地发掘了半坡遗址。考古发掘工作主要在该遗址的北部进行,出土了十分丰富的遗迹和遗物,揭示了半坡史前聚落居民以农业为主,兼营渔猎、采集、饲养、制陶及相关手工业的生产状况。当时的生产工具主要是石器,并有利用骨、角、陶、蚌等材质制成的工具。经初步分析,应用于营造业的主要工具当为石 Yangshao culture period Banpo prehistoric settlement site is a very typical and representative of prehistoric settlements. Studying archaeological excavation materials of the site to understand the construction technology of the residents at that time has a certain significance for understanding the production and living conditions of residents in prehistoric settlements. Based on the archeological materials published in the Banpo Site Archeological Excavation Report ~ ([1]), this paper tentatively explores the construction techniques of the inhabitants of the Banpo Prehistoric Settlements, and teaches them to experts and scholars. In the 1950s, archaeologists unearthed the Banpo site on a large scale. Archeological excavations are mainly carried out in the northern part of the site. A very rich relics and relics were unearthed, revealing that the Banpo prehistoric settlements mainly consisted of agriculture. They also engaged in fishing and hunting, collection, breeding, pottery and related handicrafts production. At that time the main production tools are stone tools, and the use of bone, angle, pottery, mussels and other materials made of tools. After a preliminary analysis, the main tools used to create the industry should be stone
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