重视非智力因素培养 提高教学质量

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非智力因素与智力因素是相对而言的。智力因素一般指感知、记忆、想象、思维等,属于人的认识范畴;非智力因素通常指动机、兴趣、情感、意志、性格等,属于人的意向范畴。在小学生的学习过程中,这两个系统始终是协调作用、互相依存、相互促进、缺一不可的。因此,在教学中。既要重视学生智力因素的培养,又要重视对学生非智力因素的培养,才能有效地完成教学任务。 Non-intellectual and intellectual factors are relative terms. Intellectual factors generally refers to the perception, memory, imagination, thinking, belong to the category of human cognition; non-intellectual factors usually refers to motivation, interest, emotion, will, personality, etc., belong to the category of human intentions. In the learning process of primary school students, these two systems are always coordinated, interdependent and mutually reinforcing, indispensable. Therefore, in teaching. It is necessary to attach importance to the cultivation of students 'intellectual factors, but also attach importance to the cultivation of students' non-intellectual factors in order to effectively complete the teaching task.
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