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面对市场经济发展中出现的丑恶现象,有的人认为,发展市场经济与道德建设是相悖的,因为两者的价值取向是截然相反的。市场经济讲“挣钱”,讲利己;而道德建设讲“奉献”,讲利他。由于人们习惯于在绝对不相容的对立中思维,很容易把发展市场经济与道德建设绝对对立起来,把道德“滑坡”的根本原因归罪于市场经济的发展。的确,目前道德“滑坡”现象是在发展市场经济的过程中产生的,但不能只看到这一方面就得出这样的结论。经济与道德的关系是多方面的、复杂的,必须进行全方位分析。 Faced with the ugly phenomena that have emerged in the development of the market economy, some people think that developing a market economy is contrary to moral construction because the values ​​of the two are totally opposite. Speaking of “making money” in the market economy, we talk about egoism, while morality construction speaks of “dedication” and altruism. Since people are accustomed to thinking in the absolutely incompatible opposition, it is easy to completely oppose the development of a market economy and moral construction and blame the root cause of moral “landslide” on the development of a market economy. Indeed, the current moral “landslide” phenomenon has taken place in the process of developing a market economy, but we can not conclude this conclusion by looking at this aspect only. The relationship between economy and morality is multifaceted and complex and must be analyzed in all aspects.
据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布《第24次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2009年6月30日,我国网民规模达到3.38亿,而据专业的互联网 According to the “Statis
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近期发现病因不明的高传染性非典型肺炎 (国际上称SARS)疫情以后 ,从党中央、国务院到上海市政府及各级领导均十分重视积极防治工作。为配合这场“抗非典战役”的展开 ,本刊