
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laohu_you
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近日,在全国中医药局长会议上,卫生部副部长兼国家中医药管理局局长王国强总结在四川地震中医药工作经验时强调,在应对突发公共卫生事件中,必须坚持中西医并重方针,充分发挥中医药在医疗救治和卫生防疫中的特色优势和独特作用。据悉,截至6月25日,仅四川省中医医疗机构救治地震伤员就达133114人,收治住院伤员7505人,实 Recently, at the meeting of the director of the Chinese National Council of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wang Guoqiang, vice minister of the Ministry of Health and director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, summarized the work experience of traditional Chinese medicine in the earthquake in Sichuan and emphasized that in dealing with public health emergencies, we must adhere to the principle of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine Give full play to the special advantages and unique functions of traditional Chinese medicine in medical treatment and epidemic prevention. It is reported that as of June 25, only the Sichuan Provincial Medical and Medical institutions to treat the earthquake victims reached 133,114 people admitted to hospital 7505 people, the actual
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