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语言中声音和意义的结合是相对固定、约定俗成、不可随意更改的。在语言形成之初,音义结合的方式有:任意地结合;自然地、天然地结合;有选择地结合。音义结合形成语言之后,事物名称仍在形成和改变,其固定需要漫长的过程。音义结合对事物名称的形成与固定的影响有三点。第一,语言的起源阶段,同一事物可以由不同的语音形式来表达。第二,语言的形成与确立阶段,事物名称采用了较为固定的语音形式。第三,不同语言的传播、影响和交融阶段,其他语言中的音与本民族或本国语言中的义结合,形成了本民族或本国中新事物的名称。 The combination of sound and meaning in a language is relatively fixed and is unconventional and can not be changed at will. At the beginning of the formation of the language, the way of the combination of sound and meaning are: arbitrary combination; naturally and naturally combined; selectively combined. After the combination of sound and meaning to form a language, the name of the thing is still forming and changing, and its fixation needs a long process. There are three points in the relationship between the formation of sound and meaning and the fixation of the name of things. First, the origin of language, the same thing can be expressed by different phonetic forms. Second, the language of the formation and establishment of the stage, the names of things using a more fixed form of speech. Thirdly, in the stages of the spread, influence and blending of different languages, the sounds in other languages ​​combine with the righteousness in one’s own nation or one’s native language to form the names of new things in one’s own nation or in one’s home country.
以色列成为近年中东地区的经济热点,有其自身的有利因素: 对外依赖较多 经济实力雄厚 劳动力素质高 高科技优势 Israel has become an economic hot spot in the Middle Eas
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To isolate Fe-deficient related (Fdr) genes, an expression cDNA library of 4.5×105 pfu/μg has been constructed from maize roots in iron-stress. 6 clones have