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城郭是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物。它的出现,标志着氏族制度的解体和文明时代的到来。黄河流域是我国文明时代到来最早的地区之一,考古部门在河南淮阳平粮台和登封王城岗发掘出来的龙山文化遗址周围都有夯土墙,已初具城郭的雏形。五十年代发现的郑州商城遗址,城墙的墙基厚约二十米,周长近七公里,已具有相当的规模。东周以后,由于铁器的使用,促进了农业、手工业的分工和商品经济的发展,从而导致了新兴城市在列国的大量出现。如齐国的都城临淄号称有“三百闾”,(《晏子使楚》)。魏国的大梁城有十二个城门,据史书记载,其东门称为夷门,西门称为高门,两门约距十里。据此推断,大梁城的范围当比明清以后的开封城还要大。 Cheng Guo is the product of the development of human society to a certain historical stage. Its appearance marked the disintegration of the clan system and the advent of civilization. The Yellow River valley is one of the earliest regions in China’s civilization. The archaeological department has a rammed earth wall around the Longshan cultural site excavated in Pingliangtai, Huaiyang, and Wangchenggang, Dengfeng. It has taken shape in the beginning of the city. Found in the 1950s, the site of the Zhengzhou City Mall has a wall thickness of about 20 meters and a perimeter of nearly seven kilometers. It has a considerable scale. After the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, due to the use of iron tools, the division of labor in agriculture and handicrafts and the development of the commodity economy were promoted, which led to the emergence of a large number of emerging cities in the countries. For example, Qi’s capital city, Linyi, has a name of “three hundred miles” (“Zhuzichuchu”). There are twelve gates in Weiliang’s Liangliang City. According to historical records, the east gate is called Yimen, the west gate is called Gaomen, and the two doors are about ten miles away. It is inferred from this that the scope of the city of Liangliang is even greater than that of Kaifeng City after the Ming and Qing dynasties.
为探讨细胞形态计量学方法在肾细胞癌病理诊断中的价值。方法 采用细胞形态计量学技术对 10 0例肾细胞癌 (RCC)及 10例正常肾组织标本进行测量分析。分析的参数包括 :核面积
中华儿科杂志,2000,38(5):284. 患儿女,12岁。因发热、尿频、尿急、尿痛、双眼结膜充血1周入院。入院前当地医院诊断为尿路感染,静脉滴注青霉素、口服诺氟沙星3日无好转,入院前4日出现终末血尿伴下腹
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine (TCM WM) in treating senile idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (SIN
《陌上桑》是汉乐府中的著名诗篇.它通过对采桑女拒绝五马太守无耻要求的生动描绘,成功地塑造了一个美丽、勤劳、机智,敢于反抗强暴的女性形象,受到历代人民的喜爱. “Shang
我认为,中学作文教学改革,可将作文提到“文学引导”的高度上来。 自《柳眉儿落了》等一系列的优秀中文学作品问世后,在社会上引起了剧烈的反响,已开始 I think that the re