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现行供销合作社会计制度规定,属于国家统一调价的商品,新售价低于原进价的,应冲减全部原进销差价,并将低于原进价部分转入“待处理损失”,然后按调价商品存销比例转入“商品调价损益”的借方,月底转入“利润”帐户,减少利润。如此核算,我认为值得商榷。供销合作社是集体所有制企业,原则上不应承担国家统一调价的商品调价损失,即使由供销社承担某些损失,也不宜体现在利润中。利润是考核企业经济效益的综合性指标,关系到税后留给企业用于扩大生产和经营业务的公积金等资金的提留,也关系到提留职工奖 The current social system for supply and marketing cooperation stipulates that commodities that are subject to uniform price adjustments by the State and the new selling price is lower than the original purchase price shall be written off against the original purchase price difference, and be transferred to the “to-be-processed loss” less than the original purchase price, and then The debit of the price-adjusted commodity deposit and transfer ratio is transferred to the profit or loss of the price adjustment of the commodity, and it is transferred to the “profit” account at the end of the month to reduce the profit. This accounting, I think it is worth discussing. Supply and marketing cooperatives are collectively owned enterprises. In principle, they should not assume the price adjustment losses of the unified price adjustment of the country. Even if the supply and marketing cooperatives bear certain losses, they should not be reflected in profits. Profit is a comprehensive indicator for assessing the economic benefits of enterprises, and relates to the retention of funds such as provident funds for enterprises that are used to expand production and business operations after taxes, and also relates to the employee awards for retained employees.
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摘 要: 初中是学生学习数学的重要时期,在这个时期,老师起到至关重要的引导作用,老师要尽可能地为学生创造锻炼创新能力、实践能力的机会,科学合理的数学教学设计有助于实现这些目标,它是以数学学习论、数学教学论等科学理论为基础的。新时期对于初中数学教学提出了新的要求,本文以新时期为背景,简要分析数学教学情境及其意义,并提出了改善初中教学设计的措施,具有一定的参考价值。  关键词: 初中数学教学 教学设计
上海日前公布了2009年12月22日清晨上海轨道交通一号线发生两列列车侧面冲撞事故调查结果:事故肇始缘于9年前的一个设计疏漏。 Shanghai has recently announced the result