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走马区是恩施自治州和鹤峰县的东南边陲重镇,地处武陵山脉与江汉平原的结合部,兼有山区和平原的综合优势,与著名武陵源风景区——国家森林公园张家界、索溪峪、天子山山水相连,背倚奇峰异山,怀抱平川丘陵,溇水河蜿延而过,景色宜人,风光旖旎。全区拥有国土面积467平方公里。二战时期,贺龙、段德昌等老一辈无产阶级革命家率领湘鄂西土家儿女进行艰苦卓绝的斗争,在这一片神奇而古老的土地上洒下了殷红的鲜血,谱写了一曲曲可歌可泣的英雄壮歌……,鼓锣山32烈士殉难处、杜家村红四军诞生地、走马整编等在中国革命史上功不可灭,写下了英勇悲壮的一页……在467平方公里的土地上,蕴藏着极为丰富的地上生物资源和地下矿产资源。近年来,我们的改革开放,吸引了一大批外地客商、企业界人士来这里经商办企业,商贾云集,市场活跃,城镇建设日新月异,市政公用设施基本完备,投资180万元的“走马大市场”即将开放使用,它的建成将成为湘鄂边区农副产品贸易和 It is located in the junction of Wuling Mountain Range and Jianghan Plain. It combines the comprehensive advantages of mountainous areas and plains with the well-known Wulingyuan Scenic Spot - Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Suoxiyu, Tianzishan mountains and rivers linked to the back Qishan different hills, embracing Hirakawa hills, Qushuihe meandering, pleasant scenery, beautiful scenery. The region has a land area of ​​467 square kilometers. During the Second World War, Helong and Duan Dechang led the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in their arduous struggle against the Tujia children in western Hunan and Hubei Provinces. They sprinkled bright red blood on this magical and ancient land and wrote a heroic and wonderful song ..., the martyrdom of 32 martyrs at Gulong Mountain, the birthplace of the Red Army in the village of Dujiabang, the reorganization of the horse and the horse, and so on. It has been eagerly annihilated in the history of the Chinese revolution and has written a heroic and tragic page ... On 467 square kilometers of land, Extremely rich in biological resources and underground mineral resources. In recent years, our reform and opening up has attracted a large number of foreign businessmen and business people who come here to do business. The merchants are gathered together, the market is active, the urban construction is changing rapidly, the municipal public facilities are basically complete, and the investment of 1.8 million yuan "It is about to open to use, its completion will become the trade of agricultural by-products in the border areas of Hunan, Hubei and
探讨有-ly的副词和没有-ly的副词在含义、句子中的位置以及习惯用语中用法的不同。 Exploring the differences between the meaning of adverbs with -ly and the adverbs
英语单词在形态上具有构成的方法 ,在词义上具有引申的关系 ,在语音上具有对应的规律 ,同时还表现出相当明显的类比特征。基于这些发现 ,本文提出英语学习的RSC原则。以单词