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本文以《道德经》中的句子进行佐证,从四个方面来阐释道家思想对心理咨询的启示:1.清静无为,顺其自然——强调洞明世事,认识规律;2.利而不害,为而不争——强调和谐意识,与人为善;3.少私寡欲,知足知止——强调节制物欲,调整期望值;4.知和处下,以柔胜刚——强调虚静恬淡,调整心态;5.自知者明,自胜者强——强调自我意识,正确评价自己。 This essay is supported by the sentences in “Tao Te Ching”, from four aspects to explain enlightenment of Taoism to psychological counseling: 1. Quietness and naturalness - Emphasis on understanding the world and understanding the law; 2. , So as not to fight - to emphasize the sense of harmony, and others for good; 3 less personal and adulterated, contentment to know - emphasize the control of material desire, adjust the expectations; 4 knowledge and office, with soft wins - stressed quiet and tranquil, adjust Mentality; 5 self-knowledge that, from the winner strong - emphasize self-awareness, correct evaluation of themselves.
本文采用TGA、IGA、GC和 GC-MS比较了主链含环二硅氮烷硅橡胶与一般硅橡胶的热稳定性,发现硅氮橡胶在升温失重时,起始失重温度比甲基硅橡胶高150—200℃,在350℃氮气下恒温热
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为了减少操作者的疲劳和增加产量,可在台钻上增加一个如图所示的装置,使钻头自动进给和返回。这装置适用于钻较浅的盲孔和通孔。 该装置是个连杆机构,它安装在托架1上,而托架