
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hathawayccc
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素质教育不断深入的过程中,德育教育的重视力度越来越大,在每个学科中都有所涉及。高中数学在高中阶段占有重要的地位,德育教育的重要性不言而喻。通常,在学生和教师的意识中,德育教育和数学学习没有丝毫的关系,往往都是思想政治学科的事情。但是在高中这个重要的阶段,实施德育教育对于学生以后的发展有着重要的影响。本文主要介绍了如何在高中数学教学中开展德育教育,旨在提高高中德育教育水平,提高学生整体素质。 In the course of continuous deepening of quality education, moral education has drawn more and more attention and is involved in every discipline. High school mathematics occupies an important position in the high school stage, the importance of moral education is self-evident. Often, in the minds of students and teachers, there is often no relationship between moral education and maths learning, and it is often the subject of ideological and political science. However, in this important stage of high school, the implementation of moral education has an important impact on the future development of students. This article mainly introduces how to carry out the education of moral education in high school mathematics teaching, aims to improve the education level of moral education in senior high school and improve the overall quality of students.
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