
来源 :小学教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciissyma
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小学生从低年级进入高年级,各类学生中的一部分会出现相对的学习停滞甚至退步现象。这种现象,一般地在心理学上称之为“高原现象”。如何正确对待这种现象,是关系到能否大面积提高教学质量的大问题。近两年来,我分析了小学生在语文学习中产生停滞、下降现象的一些有关学习结 Primary school students enter the upper grades from the lower grades, and some of the students in various categories may experience relative stagnation or even regression of learning. This phenomenon, generally referred to psychologically as “plateau phenomenon.” How to treat this kind of phenomenon correctly is a big issue that can affect the quality of teaching in a large area. In the past two years, I have analyzed some of the learning outcomes of primary school students that have had stagnant or declining phenomena in their language learning
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我们的校园因为有了科普园而变得生机勃勃。科普园建在校园中心,犹如一块碧绿的翠玉嵌在校园上。一年四季,都是那么迷人,富有活力。 Our campus is thriving because of th
小康今年快四岁了,妈妈给他讲的故事他都记得。象孔融让梨啊,小王戎知道路边李子没有人摘是因为李子苦啊……他都会讲给别的小朋友听。他还想跟孔融和王戎学呢! 有一天,妈妈
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