
来源 :职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc1234Shi
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1986年,“七五”开局第一年。7月2日,国家教委、国家计委、国家经委和劳动人事部联合召开第一次全国职业教育工作会议。国务院副总理兼国家教委主任李鹏出席会议并讲话。国务院办公厅转发《关于全国职业教育工作会议情况的报告》。1991年,“八五”开局第一年。1月25日,国家教委、国家计委、劳动部、人事部、财政部联合召开第二次全国职业教育工作会议。国务委员兼国家教委主任李铁映出席会议并作工作报告。国务院作出《关于大力发展职业技术教育的决定》。1996年,“九五”开局第一年。6月17日,国家教委、国家经贸委和劳动部联合召开第三次全国职业教育工作会议。李鹏总理接见会议代表并讲话;李岚清副总理出席会议并讲话。三部委印发会议文件,9月1日《中华人民共和国职业教育法》施行。每当社会主义建设事业发展关键时期,党和国家都要部署召开全国职教工作会议,提高人们的认识,解决职教改革和发展中的重大问题。无疑,这是一种重视,它反映的是职业教育对一个泱泱大国的重要。现在,新世纪发端之时,有中国特色社会主义事业又到了一个发展的关键时期———我国将开始实施邓小平同志提出的现代化建设第三步战略部署。到本世纪中叶,我们将达到中等发达国家水平,基本实现现代化。在这样一个大背景下,中国职业教育不但面临着新的任务,而且,还遇到了一些新情况、新问题。是时候了!人们期待第四次,也是新世纪的第一次全国职教工作会议召开。显然,我们不仅仅期待一次盛会,亦如从前,我们盼望的是会议所代表的国家决策的影响力量和国家行政的推动力量能够及时解决最需要它们解决的事情。 In 1986, “seven five ” the first year of opening. On July 2, the State Education Commission, the State Development Planning Commission, the State Economic Commission and the Ministry of Labor and Personnel jointly held the first national vocational education conference. Li Peng, vice premier of the State Council and director of the State Education Commission, attended the meeting and made a speech. The State Council General Office forwards the report on the work of the national vocational education conference. In 1991, the first year of the “85” start. On January 25, the State Education Commission, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Finance jointly convened the second national vocational education conference. State Councilor Li Tie-ying, director of the State Education Commission, attended the meeting and made a working report. The State Council made the “Decision on Vigorously Developing Vocational and Technical Education.” In 1996, the first year of “95” started. June 17, the State Education Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Labor jointly held the third national vocational education conference. Premier Li Peng met with the delegates and delivered speeches; Vice Premier Li Lanqing attended the meeting and made a speech. Three ministries issued the conference documents, September 1 “People’s Republic of China Vocational Education Law”. Whenever a crucial period for the development of the socialist construction is underway, both the Party and the state must deploy and hold a national vocational education conference so as to raise people’s awareness and solve major problems in the reform and development of vocational education. Undoubtedly, this is a priority that reflects the importance of vocational education to a great power. Now that the new century is at its starting point, the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has reached a critical period of development --- China will start to implement the third strategic deployment of comrade Deng Xiaoping’s modernization drive. By the middle of this century, we will reach the level of a moderately developed country and basically realize the modernization. Against such a backdrop, vocational education in China not only faces new tasks, but also encounters new situations and new problems. It is time for the people to look forward to the convening of the first national vocational education work conference for the fourth and new century. Obviously, we not only look forward to a grand occasion, but, just as in the past, we hope that the influence of national decision-making represented by the conference and the driving force of state administration will promptly resolve the issues that most need their solution.
永州思路 2001年11月18日,全国高等职业技术教育研究会在浙江省宁波市举行高职高专产学研结合研讨会;2002年10月29日,教育部在湖南省永州市召开高职高专产学研结合经验交流
目的初步探讨超声筛查的方法及在诊断胎儿畸形中的价值。方法回顾性分析14 951例胎儿行超声筛查的结果。结果 14 951例行超声筛查的胎儿发现各类畸形154例,占1.03%。结论通过