
来源 :生物化学与生物物理进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windy_yuan
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大脑结构连接是其功能连接的物质基础.已有研究表明,失神癫痫患者默认模式网络(default mode network,DMN)中的功能连接发生了改变.为了探索这些改变相应的结构基础,对11名儿童失神癫痫患者和12名正常对照,使用基于弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)的纤维束追踪技术,构建了每个被试DMN脑区间的纤维束连接.结果表明,在所有被试的DMN网络中一致发现后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶、后扣带/楔前叶到左右双侧的内侧颞叶都存在纤维束连接.通过两组间统计比较这些纤维束连接的平均长度、连接强度、平均部分各向异性(fractional anisotropic,FA)值和平均弥散度(mean diffusivity,MD)值等参数,发现患者组的后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶纤维束连接上的平均FA值及连接强度都显著降低,而平均MD值显著增加,并且其FA值与癫痫病程呈显著的负相关关系,这些改变可能影响了患者DMN网络的功能连接.本研究结果为DMN功能连接异常提供了相关的结构上的依据,提示后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶的连接异常可能在儿童失神癫痫中起着非常重要的作用. Brain structure connectivity is the material basis for its functional connectivity.Researches have shown that functional connectivity in the default mode network (DMN) has been altered in patients with absence of epilepsy.In order to explore the structural basis of these changes, 11 children In the absence of epilepsy and 12 normal controls, fiber bundle tracing was performed in each subject DMN brain region using a fiber bundle tracking technique based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The results showed that in all subjects DMN network found that there was fiber bundle connection between posterior cingulate / wedge anterior lobe to medial prefrontal lobe and posterior cingulate / wedge anterior lobe to medial temporal lobe of left and right sides.According to statistical comparison between the two groups, the mean Length, connection strength, fractional anisotropic (FA) value and mean diffusivity (MD) values ​​of the patient group were found to be connected with the anterior cingulate / wedge anterior to the medial prefrontal ciliary bundle The average FA value and the connection strength were significantly decreased, while the average MD value increased significantly, and the FA value and epilepsy duration was significantly negatively correlated, these changes may affect the patient DMN network The results of this study provide the relevant structural basis for the abnormal connection of DMN function, suggesting that the abnormal connection of the anterior cingulate / wedge anterior to medial prefrontal cues may play a very important role in the absence of epilepsy in children.
2011年3月17日,检疫人员在对美国佛罗里达州桔县阿波普卡地区苗圃生产的萱草(Hemerocallis sp.)进行检疫证书查验时,发现叶片上有潜叶害虫。佛罗里达州从未报道过萱草上的潜