Princess’s Cat

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  Long long ago, there was a very beautiful kingdom(1). But there was no cat in the kingdom. One day, an old grandma came there and brought a little cat to the king. He was very delighted(2) and gave the cat to his daughter, Princess(3) Nana.
  Princess Nana liked the little cat very much. But the cat disappeared(4) one night. Nobody could find it in the palace(5). Nana was very sad(6) and cried all day.
  The king was also very worried. He asked his servants(7) to stick the notice(8) on the wall. It was written(9),
  “Princess Nana’s cat was lost. If you find it, you will get ten thousand pounds(10). The cat is young, but it has moustache(11).”
  The next morning, someone brought an animal to the palace. But it was a little goat, not the little cat.
  So the second notice was written,
  “Remember! The little cat has big eyes. It can climb trees and catch mice. ”
  Soon someone brought another(12) animal. It was not the cat, either,but an owl(13).
  There was a picture of the cat on the third notice. And this time, some men carried a cage. The animal in the cage was like the cat very much. But it was much bigger than the cat. Oh! It was a tiger, not the cat.
  Princess Nana was very, very sad. She could not eat anything. Suddenly she heard a strange sound(14) “Mew, mew, mew...” Then the cat jumped on the window. Nana was very delighted. She found her loving(15) cat.
  (3) 公主
  (4) 消失
  (5) 王宫
  (6) 伤心的
  (7) 仆人
  (8) 张贴告示
  (9) 写
  (10) 英镑
  (11) 胡子
  (12) 另一个
  (13) 猫头鹰
  (14) 奇怪的声音
  (15) 心爱的
  1. Who brought the cat to the king?
  2. Why was the king very worried?
  3. What did the second notice say?
  4. Did Princess Nana find her cat at last?
  1. An old grandma.
  2. Because Princess Nana liked the cat very much. But the cat disappeared one night. Nobody could find it in the palace. She was very sad and cried all day.
  3. “Remember! The little cat has big eyes. It can climbtrees and catch mice. ”
  4. Yes, she did.
一、单项选择题。(每题1分,共60分)  1.( )是《阅读》杂志的代言形象。  A.小飞侠 B.小叮当C.小书虫D.小超人  2.从2007年9月开始至今,《阅读》杂志分为( )个版。  A.1B.2 C.3 D.4  3.2008年第4期封底所刊作品中“忽有好诗生眼底,安排句法已难寻”两句出自宋代著名诗人陈与义的( )。  A.《春日》B.《临江仙》C.《早行》 D.《观雨》  4.《施氏食狮
一、选择题(每题1分,共60分)    A B C D     1. ○ ○ ○ ○  2. ○ ○ ○ ○  3. ○ ○ ○ ○  4. ○ ○ ○ ○  5. ○ ○ ○ ○  6. ○ ○ ○ ○  7. ○ ○ ○ ○  8. ○ ○ ○ ○  9. ○ ○ ○ ○  10. ○ ○ ○ ○  11. ○ ○ ○ ○  12. ○ ○ ○ ○  13. ○ ○ ○ ○  14. ○ ○
同学们,顾名思义,课文《谈礼貌》就是谈论如何礼貌待人,学礼仪,懂礼节,与人文明交往的。课文围绕“礼貌”这一中心内容,是怎么“谈”的呢?  引用来“谈”。“君子不失色于人,不失口于人”,课文起笔就引用了一句古训,来告诫我们怎么做一个有道德有修养的人。这处引用可以说是开门见山,直奔主题,让我们感受到了身为礼仪之邦理应具备这一优良传统。课文中还引用了《说岳全传》中的故事以及俗语呢。  举例来“谈”。课文
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圣火,是开启奥运会的象征。每个举办国都会以不同的形式点燃圣火。   今年,奥运会在我国举行,口号是“科技奥运、绿色奥运”,我们点燃圣火的方法也要别具特色。很多人都想当奥运火炬手,可是机会太少了。但在我的想象中,我会让每一个人都来点燃圣火,让大家一起来体会火炬手的滋味,帮没有当上火炬手的人圆梦。  在“鸟巢”里,我们会用四个声控设备接受每个人发出的声音,用它来点燃奥运圣火,你没有想到吧?我的设想是这
读书有道,一凭勤奋和毅力,二靠兴趣和方法。凭勤奋和毅力可以水滴而石穿,靠兴趣和方法能够事半而功倍。读儿童小说也一样。面对整本的书,常常有人望而却步,但如果学会了智慧阅读,那其中的滋味定是妙不可言。现在,你就随我来漫步儿童小说的世界吧。    一、红线串珠,提纲挈领  有些小说读后让人心如潮涌,复杂的情感纠结在心中使你不知如何倾吐。比如读了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,仿佛走进了“小屋”,心潮起伏:深深的同情
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