Alteration of membrane lipid biophysical properties and resistance of human lung adenocarcinoma A_(5

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a84242936
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Alterations of membrane lipid biophysical properties of sensitive A549 and resistant A549/DDP cells to the Cis-dichlorodiammine platinum (Cisplatin) were performed by measurements of fluorescence and flow cytometry approaches using fluorescence dyes of DPH, N-AS and Mero-cyanine 540 (MC 540) respectively. Fatty acids of membrane lipid of the two cell lines were analyzed by gas chromatography. The results indicated clearly that fluorescence polarization (P) of the DPH probe is 0.169 for the sensitive A549 cell and 0.194 for the resistant A549/DDP cells. Statistical analysis showed significant difference between the two cell lines. The polarizations of 2-AS and 7-AS which reflect the fluidity of surface and middle of lipid bilayer are 0.134 and 0.144 for the sensitive A549 cells as well as 0.171 and 0.178 for the resistant A549/DDP cells respectively, but there is no significant difference of the polarization of 12-AS between the two cell lines. This shows that alterations of the membrane fluidity of both Alterations of membrane lipid biophysical properties of sensitive A549 and resistant A549/DDP cells to the Cis-dichlorodiammine platinum (Cisplatin) were performed by measurements of fluorescence and flow cytometry approaches using fluorescence dyes of DPH, N-AS and Mero-cyanine 540 (MC 540) respectively. Fatty acids of membrane lipid of the two cell lines were analyzed by gas chromatography. The results indicated that that fluorescence polarization (P) of the DPH probe is 0.169 for the sensitive A549 cell and 0.194 for the resistant A549/DDP cells .. The polarizations of 2-AS and 7-AS which reflect the fluidity of surface and middle of lipid bilayer are 0.134 and 0.144 for the sensitive A549 cells as well as 0.171 and 0.178 for the Resistant A549/DDP cells respectively, but there is no significant difference of the polarization of 12-AS between the two cell lines. This shows that alterations of the membran e fluidity of both
异基因外周血干细胞移植 ( allo-PBCST )与异基因骨髓移植相比 ,供者无需麻醉 ,痛苦少 ,采集方便 ,而受者造血及免疫功能重建快速、感染等并发症少 ,已广泛用于造血系统恶性
目的 :介绍定量巢式反转录聚合酶链反应 (Nested- RT- PCR)检测大肠癌外周血 CEAm RNA方法及其临床应用 ,提高大肠癌及其转移的早期诊断率。方法 :用竞争性 Nested- RT- PCR
目的 :比较几种直肠癌手术的疗效 ,探讨哪种手术方式最简单易行且安全可靠。方法 :本组 136例 ,男 81例 ,女 5 5例 ,年龄 32~ 87岁 ,行 Miles术 2 2例 ,Dixon术 14例 ,Paek术
正常细胞和肿瘤细胞的蛋白质磷酸化及去磷酸化研究一直引人注目。研究表明 ,细胞内蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸化水平受酪氨酸蛋白激酶 (tyrosine proteinkinase,TPK)和蛋白质酪氨酸磷
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