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近日,隆盛刘氏续谱理事会向省档案馆捐赠《大英隆盛刘氏族谱》。《大英隆盛刘氏族谱》是在清代《刘氏复修族谱》(简称旧谱,距今约200年)的基础上,以刘秉公后裔为续谱对象,采用宗支垂直,整理编纂而成。因续谱对象入川后的若干代祖先都安葬在隆盛罗家坝(现大英县隆盛同心罗家沟白林村),故续谱取名为《大英隆盛刘氏族谱》。该续谱不仅附有旧谱的影印件,还详尽地收录了公元1700年,刘秉公应康熙移民填四川诏令,率妻携子,从湖南安化县迁徙到罗家场定居并繁衍生息的一份珍贵的清代寺庙住持执照 Recently, Longsheng Liu continued spectrum Council donated “Provincial Longsheng Liu genealogy” to the provincial archives. The Genealogical Tree of the Genesis Longsheng is based on the genealogical records of the Liu family reworked in the Qing Dynasty (referred to as the old spectrum, dating back about 200 years ago) to make. Due to the continuum of objects into the Sichuan after a number of generations were buried in the Longsheng Luojiaba (now Longsheng concentric Luojiagou Baishulin Village), so continued spectrum called “British Longsheng Liu genealogy.” The sequel not only accompanied by a photocopy of the old spectrum, but also detailed collection of the 1700 AD, Liu Binggong Kangxi immigrants fill Sichuan edict, led his wife and son, from Anhua County, Hunan Province, migrated to the Lo field settlement and thrive A precious Qing Dynasty temple abbot license
有些竞赛题,若根据题目的特点,灵活利用倒数求解,常能化难为易,下面举几例供参考. Some contest questions, if based on the characteristics of the topic, flexible use
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10月25日,意大利欧迪臣全球销售总监Leonardo Falcetelli(以下简称Leo)再次来到深圳非常城市总部。Leo每次的到来,都给人带来惊喜,新产品新技术总少不了。不例外,此次Leo又为
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