Is nature your brain's miracle medicine? 亲近自然是放松大脑的良药?

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  When you go to the desert with David Strayer, dont be surprised if he sticks electrodes (电极) to your head. As a cognitive psychologist at the University of Utah, Strayer studies the minds ability to think clearly.
  On the third day of a camping trip in Utah, Strayer is explaining the “three?day effect” to 22 psychology students. Our brains, he says, arent tireless three?pound machines; they are easily exhausted by our fast?paced and increasingly digital lives. But when we slow down, stop the busywork, and seek out natural surroundings, we not only feel restored but also improve our mental performance. Strayer has proved with a group of participants, who scored 50 percent higher on creative problem?solving tasks after three days of wilderness backpacking.
  Researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School analyzed data from 10,000 urban citizens and found that those living near more green space reported less mental disease. Richard Mitchell, a geographer at the University of Glasgow, found fewer deaths and less disease in people who lived near green space, even if they didnt use them. People who have window views of trees and grass have been shown to recover faster in hospitals, perform better in school, and show less violent behavior.
  In some countries, nature is involved in the governments official mental health policy. At the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the nations high rates of alcoholism and suicide led a research team to recommend that citizens spend at least five hours per month being close to nature in an effort to improve the nations mental health. “A 40?50 minutes walk seems to be enough for physiological changes and mood changes,” says Kalevi Korpela, a professor of psychology.
  So far, no study can offer a full explanation of the brain?on?nature experience; something mysterious will always remain, Strayer says, and perhaps thats as it should be. “At the end of the day,” he says, “we come out in nature not because science says it does something to us but because of how it makes us feel.”
  1. What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?
  A. Brains.
  B. Effects.
  C. Students.
  D. Machines.
  2. Which of the following will result in improved problem?solving ability according to Strayer?
  A. Keeping busy.
  B. Going to a desert.   C. Eating a chicken pie.
  D. Playing computer games.
  3. According to the research, what does green space do to people?
  A. Have a positive impact on their mental well?being.
  B. Add creative problem?solving tasks.
  C. Slow down the pace of their work.
  D. Lessen their concerns about violent behavior.
  4. What does Strayer mean in the last paragraph?
  A. He will go on making further research.
  B. We should do things according to our feelings.
  C. The brain?on?nature experience is not scientific.
  D. Brains can rest and recover after a trip in nature.
  Ⅰ. Difficult sentence
  At the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the nations high rates of alcoholism and suicide led a research team to recommend that citizens spend at least five hours per month being close to nature in an effort to improve the nations mental health. 在芬兰自然资源研究所,国家的高酗酒率和自杀率导致一个研究小组建议国民每月应至少花5个小时亲近自然,以改善国民的心理健康。
  【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,that引导宾语从句,作recommend的宾语。因recommend表建议,所以从句要使用“(should) do”形式的虚拟语气; in an effort to表目的。
  Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks
  slow down 减速;慢下来
  lead to 导致
  offer a full explanation of 提供对……的充分解释
选题来源:上海市嘉定区人民检察院  案件类型:贩卖毒品罪  今年34岁的蔡某是一名海归硕士,前几年因交友不慎,入了“毒圈”。2018年10月,蔡某通过网络认识了“毒友”印某(另案处理),两人便时常在一处“溜冰”。12月21日,蔡某通过室友小林联系上“有货”的上家,并将此事告知了印某,印某随即转账1000元给蔡某要求其帮忙购买毒品,蔡某收款后自己又添了1000元,一并轉给了小林。小林用这2000元购
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还来不及感叹,又要过年了。因此2014年的第一期专题,就是我们给您送上的年夜饭。它的主菜叫做《好店主义》。  关于好店的标准?编辑部的兄弟姐妹各抒己见:“要有一个小院,要有一个阁楼,要有一个舒适的沙发,要有一只猫,要有好喝的奶茶,要有看得见风景的窗户……”我说,要有一个美丽的老板娘。她们说,因为我们有一个男主编。  其实,这些并不是标准,而是各人心中理想好店的要素。真正的好店只有一个标准,即个性!
徐明与Virginie Moriette在法国相识,经历一段甜美的爱情后,他们一同前往上海创业。因为Virginie内敛文静又喜欢看书,她的中文名便取作文吉。设计公司“明合文吉”的诞生,正是由两人的名字组合而来,旨在体现中西合璧的设计,彰显个性。  这对中法夫妻虽然国度不同,文化、理念上也存在差异,但他们的目标一致:糅合东西方传统文化,设计出个性强烈、与众不同的产品。就像他们设计的家具,表面可以是
克洛德·列维-施特劳斯(Claude Leo Strauss,1908.11.28—2009.10.30),法国作家、哲学家、人类学家,结构主义人类学创始人和法兰西科学院院士,专事古典哲学研究。他生涯中的大部分时间担任芝加哥大学的政治科学教授,被认为是“所有流派(和无流派)思想者的财富”,被国际人类学界公认的最有权威的人类学家。  1908年11月28日,克洛德·列维-施特劳斯出生于比利时布鲁塞尔
“如果大海能够带走我的哀愁,就像带走每条河流。所有受过的伤,所有流过的泪。我的爱,请全部带走。”这首MV中的遥控飞机EXTRA的制造者和遥控者就是郑富德。当年,他做的飞机在中国台湾参演过多部影视剧。1989年,金城武出道拍摄的第一支广告,手里拿的就是郑富德做的遥控飞机。  记得年少时的梦  童年期的郑富德和家人住在机场旁边,家境虽然一般,但对年少的郑富德来说,每天能看到飞机的升降起落,就是最开心的
今天我才发现,我的心竟然麻木好些年了。  记得好些年前,我是为乞讨者动过心的,也拿出过一些零钱。但是,真的说不清从哪一年开始,在车站,在路旁,在街口,在家门前,不管什么地方,碰到乞讨者都不再动心。不对,说不动心也不准确,有时候也动心,只不过动的是厌恶之心、反感之心。当然,更多的时候是漠视和麻木。  为什么?自以为是成熟了,终于不再受“职业乞丐”的欺骗。媒体上,大家都在说在职业乞丐面前上当受骗的故事
王林华在酒店一夜风流,导致坐台女秦香琴怀孕并生子。突然降临的非婚生子,使王林华妻离子散,众叛亲离。被迫和秦香琴同居后,他陷入了秦香琴无穷无尽的物质索取之中。8年后,秦香琴却将他告上法庭,讨要孩子的巨额抚养费……     一夜放纵,孽子突降     秦香琴1970年生于河南新乡农村,她天生一双丹凤眼,妩媚动人。她下面还有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。因家境贫寒,1989年高中毕业后,秦香琴便放弃了高考。在郑州
鼓浪屿是“琴岛”,也是“猫岛”。诺拉与皮埃诺恰好就是一只猫的名字与钢琴(piano)的结合。在岛上,猫比主人有名气的店已不新奇,但诺拉肯定是形象衍生最丰富的猫之一。各种萌翻的卡通形象已经让人欢乐不已,QQ表情和手机壁纸更是赢来拥趸无数。  店主王楠是学空间设计的,站在店门口就能感觉到他别具一格的设计心思。窗是大大的猫脸轮廓,从窗格往里看,似乎在窥视猫眼里的童话世界:钢琴形状的架子上摆放着各种陶瓷、
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