What is your dream?

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  George:Hi,Billy. Is that tall man your father?
  Billy:Yes. My father is a teacher. He teaches PE.
  George:That’s nice. What does your mother do?
  Billy:She’s a nurse. She looks after sick people. How about your mother?
  George:My mother is a writer. She writes stories. They’re very interesting.
  Billy:I know your father is a driver.
  George:Yes,he’s a bus driver. He drives carefully.
  Billy:Wow,so nice!

  doctor 医生 nurse 护士
  cook 厨师 teacher 教师
  driver 驾驶员 writer 作家
  farmer 农夫 worker 工人
  player 运动员 dancer 舞蹈家
  singer 唱歌家 waiter (男)服务员
  waitress (女)服务员 dentist 牙医
  scientist 科学家 astronaut 宇航员
  policeman (男)警察 policewoman (女)警察
  同学们,除了以上我们已经学过的有关职业类的单词,你们还知道哪些单词?Let’s know more!
  lawyer 律师 soldier 士兵
  pianist 钢琴家 artist 艺术家
  editor 編辑 dustman 清洁工
  同学们,George和Billy想考考大家。Let’s read and match!

  Billy:George,what’s your dream?
  George:I want to be a football player. I want to play in the World Cup some day.
  Billy:That sounds great! I believe your dream will come true.
  George:Thank you. How about you?
  Billy:This is my dream.
  I want to be an artist in the future. I want to paint a lot of beautiful pictures. To make my dream come true,I will:
  ·have painting lessons
  ·practise hard
  ·read many books
  ·go to China Central Academy of Fine Arts(中央美术学院)
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