Rediscovering Your Innocence in the Nature

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongxi
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  At the foot of the Moganshan Mountain is a green valley full of potential, now known as the Naked Stables. It is a place to rediscover the pure, playful and passionate parts of your heart, to immerse in the nature, and to nurture friendship, love and simple pleasures of life. In addition to being one of the most popular resorts with sustainable luxury and outstanding service, Naked Stables Private Reserve is also the fruit of love between its founder Mr. Grant Horsfield and its designer Mrs. Delphine Yip. Had he not met his future wife Mrs. Delphine Yip in 2007, the entrepreneur Grant Horsfield would have returned to South Africa. For years, the resort has helped local business flourish and received acclaim amongst international media, putting Moganshan Mountain on the map as a must-see destination in China.
  Flocking to an exotic location
  To escape from your glamorous yet high-strung city life, Naked Stables is a getaway to return back to nature. You can experience a peaceful night like a bird perching in a majestic Tree Top Villa, or stay grounded in a cozy Earth Hut. Either way, you will be pampered with luxurious furnishing, beautiful design and stunning views. African and Asian elements were infused to bring to an Asian setting. All buildings were designed to minimize the environmental impact and blend with the natural surroundings such as the stonemasonry.
  Naked Stables offer high-quality imported and local cuisine for every customer. The menu features a mix of Asian and Western ingredients. Don’t restrict yourself to a table in the restaurant and a meal can be enjoyed just in anywhere inside the resort. For refreshments, there’s a bar serving beer, wine and seasonal cocktail. After a dinner, a selection of homemade pastries and organic international wine can be served.
  Tailor-made “naked experience”
  Try something you have never done before in Naked Stables! True to its name, Naked Stables offers you an unprecedented, exclusive, pure and private experience. An authentic horse stable is paramount to the resort. And don’t miss the opportunity to get close with their horses. Sitting in a horse carriage in a beautiful wedding dress on your wedding day would be a romantic experience only found in Naked Stables.
  There are also other ways to get close to the nature! Hiking and biking are suitable for all ages; painting with inspirations from the nature can discover your inner artist; spending hours on tea-picking in the farm is a way to go back to the ancient time; and enjoying fishing and hoping for a big catch can really relax and soothe yourself. Now, please get away from the city life and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature.
娘惹菜  要知道娘惹菜究竟指的是什么?先要来了解一下何为“娘惹”。在过去,华人与马来人通婚生下的后代,男生被称为“峇峇”,而女生则被称为“娘惹”。娘惹们个个手艺非凡,其烹饪的菜肴往往使用传统中式的烹饪手法,结合马来当地的香料调味,创造出风味独特的菜肴。其著名的菜肴包括五香卤肉(Ngoh Hiang)、黑果鸡(Ayam Buah Keluak)、辣牛肉(Beef Rendang) 以及炒杂菜(Cha
当春风将日历吹到了4月,向来悠闲的东南亚就会迎来一次盛大的狂欢——宋干节。走进东南亚,走进宋干节,不论狭窄的小巷还是宽敞的广场,欢笑声、惊呼声、泼洒声,声声如浪。  “哎哟!”“妈妈咪呀!”离战场还有一段距离,就可以听到不远处嬉闹声此起彼伏,待走近了一看,晶莹的水珠顺着他们的发丝垂下,在太阳的折射下映衬着脸上大大的笑容,六分开怀,三分狡黠,还有一分怡然自得。  在最初的惊愕后,被水泼中的人们也反应
当你提着飘满花瓣的水桶,温柔地向同伴泼洒水珠时;当你忘乎所以地冲入狂欢的人群中,与素不相识的朋友们来一场泼水大战时,你可曾想到,其实在这个满城尽是水花朵朵的节日里,“火”也是不可或缺的一个角色呢?  当这祝福放飞于天空,漫天灯火随风摇曳,瞬间如星空绚烂,银河璀璨。  放天灯  静谧的夜空中,突然出现了一盏灯火。当你以为那仿佛是自己的错觉之时,突然从天边飘来了第二盏、第三盏……甚至是成千上万盏灯火!
Apr. 12, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Rural tourism maintained robust growth in China last year as more city-dwellers prefer a taste of the country life during holidays, and governments hope the burgeoning sector
要想在“泼水狂欢节”之中保持全身齐整干净,只能委屈你在当天足不出户了。就像俗语“水花放,傣家狂”说的那样,每年的这个时候,傣家人的“武泼”是不可小觑的。  若是选择在这一天出门,你可以尽情地朝别人身上泼水,被泼得越多越厉害,说明越受欢迎。街上裸露腹肌的帅小伙身边常常围着一圈“泼”妇,而美丽的姑娘也一定会被“水手”们簇拥;即便你走在小巷里,也不能完全避免“水弹”攻击,谁知道本地人是不是也在阳台上做好
四月伊始,明媚的阳光送走了乍暖还寒的湿意,万物由初春的懵懂到绽开笑颜,历经了一个春季。与此同时,在湄公河的沿岸,不同国家不同民族都迎来了同样热闹的“宋干节”。一捧水,一支舞,最真挚的祝福;一花包,一盏灯,最虔诚的心愿;一艘船,一炮竹,祈盼着新的明天……  伴着漫天水花与流光,让我们醉在湄公河,醉在最美的“宋干节”。  湄水之舞,舞尽傣家风情  从中国唐古拉山奔腾向中南半岛的湄公河水,孕育了傣家的歌
菲律宾美食以风味浓郁的海鲜最为出名,而且在喜好音乐的菲律宾,几乎每一家有些规模的餐厅中都会有乐队演奏或民族舞蹈表演。菲律宾的名菜喜欢用醋和大蒜等辛辣调料,比较有代表性的有:烤乳猪,西尼根汤,阿多波,拉普拉普鱼等。如果要嘗尝正宗的菲律宾口味,建议到菲律宾人开的小饭馆,既便宜又地道。  总统的选择  卡萨布兰卡餐厅  在杜马盖地港口附近,有一家地中海风格的餐厅,白色的鹅卵石墙壁,欧式的装潢,里面贴着卡
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Honored as the “City of Cultural Relics”, Ningbo has witnessed the flourish of its culture and art. On the one hand, the city is striving towards modernization; on the other hand, local people are ext