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  【Abstract】 The Oil-Peddler Wins the Queen of the Flowers,as a classic Chinese literary work,has many culture-loaded words which may be considered as the most difficult part in translation process.So this assay aims at analyzing the translation of culture-loaded words in The Oil-Peddler Wins the Queen of the Flowers and tries to figure out the trianslation strategies adopted to handle culture-loaded words.
  【Key words】culturee; translation; culture-loaded words; translation strategy
  One Introduction
  Translation not only involves the transfer of language symbols,but aslo involves cultural interaction.Due to the cultural differences,there must be a large quantity of distinct culture-loaded words in one language which might quite be alien to another.Therefore,a well-qualified translator should be not only bilingual,but bicultural.She or he must find out what is left implicit in the source text on purpose and what must be made explicit in its rendering by some proper translation strategies and skills.
  The Oil-Peddler Wins the Queen of the Flowers(its translators are Yang Shuhui and Yang Yunqin),in terms of marriage and love subject,is the Feng Menglong’s most represententative one in Stories to awaken the world.For language and culture,it contains bounches of cultural contents with unique Chinese characteristics.This thesis will take The Oil-Peddler Wins the Queen of the Flowers as a case study on the translation of culture-loaded words to analyze what kind of translation strategies the translators used to handle the culture-loaded words.
  Two Culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  1.The definition of culture-loaded words
  Different countries have developed their unique cultures influenced by dissimilar geographic positions,traditions,customs,religions,histories,etc.When cultural features are embodied in language,there come culture-loaded words.In Mona Baker’s view,which is widely accepted,a word in a given language may express a concept,abstract or concrete,compeletly unknown in another culture; it may be about a religious belief,a social custom,or a kind of food.(Mona Baker,2003).
  2.The classification of culture-loaded words
  It is as difficult to define culture-loaded words as to classify them.But in Nida’ view,which is extensively acccepted,cultural factors can be categorized into five types: ecological culture,material culture,social culture,religious culture and linguistic culture Nida(2001),which will be adopted to analyze the rendering of culture-loaded words of Stories to Awaken the world scientifically.   2.1 Ecological culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  Owing to the diffirences of geography,climate and living environment,different countries have their unique ecological culture which can be really obscure to people from other countries.Translation strategies adopted to translate this sort are as follows:
  Literal translation: 兰花:Orchid; 摇钱之树:money tree.
  Literal translation with replenishment: 一对金莲:a pair of golden-lotus feet.
  Free translation:风花雪月:romances; 螟蛉:adopted child.
  2.2 Material culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  Material culture-loaded words are characterized by numerous material objects and products made by people in a certain language community,Generally,this type includes buildings,clothes,foods,tools,transportation,daily appliances,medicine,etc.Translation strategies adopted to translate this sort are as follows:
  Literal translation 银子:silver;金子:gold.
  Literal translation with replenishment:卑田院:a poorhouse sponsored by a Buddhist temple.
  Free translation 潞绸:fine silk.
  2.3 Social culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  During the course of historical development,different societies have different customs,historical backgrounds,life styles,social life and behavior patterns.The words that reflect the above-mentioned characteristics of a nation are the social culture-loaded words.Translation strategies adopted to translate this sort are as follows:
  Literal translation:去其裹脚:take off the foot-bindings.
  Transliteration with replenishment:女随何雌陆贾:a woman Sui He and a female Lu Jia(Sui He and Lu Jia were political advisers of great eloquence in the Western Han dynasty.)
  Free translation:老积年:an old hand:垂髫young.
  2.4 Religious culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  Diffierent countries have been influenced by different religions; hence,considerable words related to religious beliefs appear which we call religious culture-loaded words.Translation strategies adopted to translate this sort are as follows:
  Literal translation灵隐:Soul’ s Retreat.
  Free translation:亡魂丧胆:terror-stricken;做香火:as an acolyt.
  2.5 Liguistic culture-loaded words and the translation strategies
  Chinese is a tonal language and homophones,vowel rhymes,harmony,two parts allegorical sayings,four-character words are its important linguistic characteristics; while Enlgish is a intonation language and the intonation unit is generally sentences or clauses.Translation strategies adopted to translate this sort are as follows:   Literal translation:光阴似箭:Time flew by like an arrow.
  Free translation:烂醉如泥:quite drunk.
  As we know,cultural information,if not handled well during the process of translation,can be insufficiently or even mistakenly translated.Therefore,translators should figure out the meaning of the original text and convey the cultural information effectively.As for the translation of The Oil-Peddler Wins the Queen of the Flowers,through the above analysis,various strategies were adopted.Though free translation strategy belonging to domestication was applied to handle the culture-loaded words,strategies belonging to foreignization far outnumbered it,which is fairly understandable for purpose of cultural exchange.However,there are also some limitations of this rendering: for example,the characters’ names.莘善:Shen Shan.If just through transliteration,it was not enough.Because the Pinyin of莘善is similar to 心善(a kind heart),so莘善 implies this character will have a happy ending according to Chinese religions).Furthermore,浑家:wife This word actually means wife,but it is also of modest language.But wife doesn’t have that meaning,so my humble wife could be more suitable.Though there exists some limitations in this rendering,when compared with the whole rendering they are nothing to mention.
  [1]Nida,Eugene A.Language and Culture[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2001.
  [2]Mona baker.In Other Words A Coursebook on Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2003.
常常听家长讲自己孩子注意力不集中。说孩子“读书时声音忽高忽低”“写作业时,一会儿喝水一会儿上洗手间”“读书写字,身子乱动”等。  为何会这样?作为家长该怎么办?  我们听听光明老师的分析——  很多孩子都会有上课注意力不集中的表现,这样的表现让很多家长与老师焦头烂额,却不知道如何去解决。要解决注意力不集中的问题,我们首先要来了解一下,为什么孩子会在学习时出现注意力不集中的情况。  一般来说,注意力
【摘要】英语教学在职业院校的教学中起着越来越重要的作用,这就要求英语教师要与时俱进,努力提高英语教学质量,让学生真正学以致用。就此问题,本文作者从高职英语课堂教学以及引入专业英语教学两大方面谈谈自己的一些教学经验心得和看法。  【关键词】职教英语 课堂教学 教学质量 步骤和模式  随着我国改革开放程度的日益提高,英语在社会生产生活中起着越来越重要的作用,很多用人单位已将英语能力作为录用人才的重要条
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【摘要】基于英汉两种语言衔接方式的差异,英汉文学翻译过程中要使用不同的翻译策略,才能使汉语译文达到连贯的目的。本文以译言网古登堡计划中的翻译项目之一《遗忘的星球》的英文文本和其汉语译文为例,分析了该小说在汉译过程中所使用的翻译策略,指出可以利用减译法、衔接方式对等翻译法、衔接方式转换翻译法、增译法等翻译策略来增加英汉文学翻译作品的语篇连贯性。  【关键词】英汉文学翻译 衔接手段 语篇连贯  一、引
【摘要】旅游景区双语标牌是沟通中外文化的重要桥梁。合格的双语标牌不仅能够向中外游客传递直接正确的信息,而且能够给人以美的享受。本文举例说明若干泰山景区标牌误译现象,分析当今我国景区外宣方面出现的问题,进而从译者翻译功底、工作态度、文化修养等层面提出尝试性的改进办法。  【关键词】景区外宣 自身素质 基本理念  作为我国“五岳之首”,泰山以其得天独厚的自然景观和底蕴深厚的人文景观成为中外游客心驰神往
【Abstract】Language is a dynamically evolving system. A word in its long development will little increasingly extend from a simplex meaning to a number of meanings,resulting in what is generally referr
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【摘要】河北农业大学现代科技学院2014级部分专业学生进行了基础能力培养阶段分层次教学模式改革实践,本文对教学内容和手段、考核评估、教学效果以及存在问题等方面进行了分析研究。  【关键词】独立学院 大学英语 基础能力 分层次教学模式  一、研究背景  近几年来,随着高校招生规模的扩大,中国高等教育已由精英教育向大众式转变。“一刀切”的教育模式已不能适应高校人才培养的需要,高等教育要关照每个受教育者
第一部分  第一章  桑德赫斯特英國皇家军事学院  11月22日,星期六,晚上9点  “长官!”  士官生塞巴斯蒂安·威廉姆斯冲进弗兰克·多里安少将的办公室。威廉姆斯面色苍白,头发凌乱,军容不整。弗兰克·多里安少将不满地嘟起了嘴。这些学员水准在不断下降,他只要闭上眼睛,似乎就能听见英国皇家军事学院(英国培养初级军官的一所重点院校,也是世界上训练陆军军官的老牌和名牌院校之一。它曾与美国西点军校、俄罗