
来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peixiaohe
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  【Abstract】Language is a dynamically evolving system. A word in its long development will little increasingly extend from a simplex meaning to a number of meanings,resulting in what is generally referred to as lexical polysemy. How to learn these words effectively? In this paper,a constructivist view of teaching and corpus were used to present how to teaching preposition effectively.
  【Key Words】preposition; constructive; corpus
  English prepositions are widely used in language communication. English prepositions have simple forms,but they have various meanings and their usages are complex. According to the survey about some students learning situation of preposition on,the article concludes the problems on students study in English.
  Meaning is not a thing,which involves what is meaningful to us. Nothing is meaningful in itself. (Fauconnier,[1] 46)Meaningfulness stems from the experience of functioning as a being of a certain sort in an environment of a certain sort. For this reason,we must obtain the simplified experience to explain the language well. Language does not reflect reality,it constructs it.
  Table 1 the Chi-Square Calculator of AT in BNC and SWECCL
  Corpus provides research data with this thesis. Based on BNC and SWECCL,this paper focuses on the study of the use and distribution of the preposition “at”,the semantic meanings of this preposition could be classified into 7 categories. Firstly,we statistic the relevant data in BNC and SWECCL to get the entire differences of use frequency of preposition at. And then,we statistic the data of each semantic meaning and discuss the differences of use frequency in detail. Opening AntCons software,retrieve in/ on/ at with in the corpus,get the related frequency of the three words. Select 200 concordances randomly of each words in each corpus. Abandon a few sentences for lack of contexts. Make data processing and analysis based on Chi-Square Calculator in order to discuss and analyze the usage of prepositions AT. Among them,non-spatial metaphoric meanings are more frequent than that of spatial meaning.Table 1 represents the standard frequency of AT in BNC and SWECCL. On the one hand,It shows that Chinese college students use more preposition AT ,ON,IN than native speakers. Chi-Square test (P<0.01) indicated that there are very significant differences in two sets of data. On the other hand,Chinese college students use non-spatial metaphoric meanings is less than spatial meanings. For instance,CAUSE and CONDITION are both of abstract meanings of prepositions AT.   Traditionally,linguists have studied polysemy from lexical and syntactic level. Learning is inherently a social activity as learners participate in communities of practice,in which novices are inducted into specific ways of thinking and talking about the world. Such communities supply their own ‘discourses’ or forms of language usage so that others can share common interests,identify each other,and distinguish their community from others. Hence,when teaching young learners,we should not expect them to use this to sorting out the rules of the language. It is more significant at this stage to provide experiences in the target language which are related to aspects of the student’s own world.
  It lay stress on the fact that there are no two teachers and no two teaching situations are ever the same. Teachers need to become more self-aware with attention to their beliefs and the ways in which they make sense of the world,particularly with regard to their opinions about education and how those views themselves come to be shapes. Teachers also need to be realize that they themselves are being construed by their learners and that their words,their actions and their interactions form part of every individual learner’s own construction of knowledge.
  [1]Gilles Fauconnier.Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language.Cambridge University,1994.
  [2]Lakoff,G.Women,Fire and Dangerous Things:What Categories Reveal about the Mind.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1987.
埃伦·雅各布首先注意到的是那个女孩的身材。她修长纤瘦,小麦肤色,即将由少女长成成年女子,浑身上下洋溢着青春的气息。埃伦向沙滩放眼望去。果然,每个人的目光都集中在这位金发美女身上,尽管此时夜色渐暗,风也越来越大,沙滩上人已不多。一个男人已经朝南走了很远,但他好像不确定是折回来近距离看看,还是继续朝南走。  这位比基尼美女的同伴还不赖,虽然他看起来颇有些普通。  埃伦端起茶杯,举到胸前。茶杯是空的,一
【摘要】全民族英语热反而挫伤了学生学习英语的积极性,蓝鸽校园网络平台意在弥补传统面授的不足。我校试点蓝鸽网络平台的自主学习。通过调查研究,发现了一系列存在的问题,学生本人,平台本身,学校均承担一部分责任。通过思考,得出一些建议,从三个主体方面来改进,旨在促进蓝鸽校园网络平台与传统英语教学优势互补,提高学生英语能力。  【关键词】蓝鸽校园网络平台 自主学习 趣味性 学习效率  从小学,初中,再到高中
【摘要】高职英语教学模式是否高效,直接影响了学生的就业和发展。本文通过对高职教学实践的结合,重点探讨了将学生作为课堂主体的教学模式,同时还提出了一些教学策略和教学建议,希望可以帮助到高职教师的英语教学。  【关键词】高职英语教学 有效课堂 以学生为中心  对于学生的英语能力的培养和学生的就业以及个人发展来说,高职英语教学有着十分重要的作用。高职英语教学的目的就在于培养学生的语言应用能力和技巧。但是
【摘要】近几年,随着全球经济一体化的程度不断加深,各国之间的交流活动也越来越多。在与不同国家的人员进行交流时,英语成为了国际场合通用的一种语言。因此,现阶段要加强英语的学习工作。对于初中生来说,学习好英语有着重要的作用。以下文章结合自身经验,谈谈现阶段我国初中英语课堂教学方法的创新,从而使英语的教学工作更有效的进行,同时提高课堂的教学质量。  【关键词】初中英语 课堂教学 方法 创新  在现阶段的
常常听家长讲自己孩子注意力不集中。说孩子“读书时声音忽高忽低”“写作业时,一会儿喝水一会儿上洗手间”“读书写字,身子乱动”等。  为何会这样?作为家长该怎么办?  我们听听光明老师的分析——  很多孩子都会有上课注意力不集中的表现,这样的表现让很多家长与老师焦头烂额,却不知道如何去解决。要解决注意力不集中的问题,我们首先要来了解一下,为什么孩子会在学习时出现注意力不集中的情况。  一般来说,注意力
【摘要】英语教学在职业院校的教学中起着越来越重要的作用,这就要求英语教师要与时俱进,努力提高英语教学质量,让学生真正学以致用。就此问题,本文作者从高职英语课堂教学以及引入专业英语教学两大方面谈谈自己的一些教学经验心得和看法。  【关键词】职教英语 课堂教学 教学质量 步骤和模式  随着我国改革开放程度的日益提高,英语在社会生产生活中起着越来越重要的作用,很多用人单位已将英语能力作为录用人才的重要条
【摘要】高职英语不仅是一门公共必修课,而且是学习专业理论知识和培养专业人才的重要基础课程。但是在实际教学过程中如何处理高职英语课程与专业课的关系,是大部分高职院校面临的重要问题。本文以上海农林职业技术学院为例,提出高职英语课程為专业课服务的方法和途径。  【关键词】高职英语 专业课 服务  【Abstract】College English is not only a compulsory pub
【摘要】高一英语学习不仅处在一个由初中英语向高中英语的过渡时期,更是高中三年英语知识的奠基阶段。初高中教材与教法的明显差异对学生造成的冲击可能直接导致其不适应高中学习,成绩波动明显,丧失学习积极性,造成不利影响。主要原因是这个阶段的学生对“如何更有效的自我学习”缺乏清晰认识,而基于元认知策略有方向的对高一学生的英语自主学习能力进行培养,从而适应高中学习需要,重要性也就不言而喻了。  【关键词】新生
【摘要】基于英汉两种语言衔接方式的差异,英汉文学翻译过程中要使用不同的翻译策略,才能使汉语译文达到连贯的目的。本文以译言网古登堡计划中的翻译项目之一《遗忘的星球》的英文文本和其汉语译文为例,分析了该小说在汉译过程中所使用的翻译策略,指出可以利用减译法、衔接方式对等翻译法、衔接方式转换翻译法、增译法等翻译策略来增加英汉文学翻译作品的语篇连贯性。  【关键词】英汉文学翻译 衔接手段 语篇连贯  一、引
【摘要】旅游景区双语标牌是沟通中外文化的重要桥梁。合格的双语标牌不仅能够向中外游客传递直接正确的信息,而且能够给人以美的享受。本文举例说明若干泰山景区标牌误译现象,分析当今我国景区外宣方面出现的问题,进而从译者翻译功底、工作态度、文化修养等层面提出尝试性的改进办法。  【关键词】景区外宣 自身素质 基本理念  作为我国“五岳之首”,泰山以其得天独厚的自然景观和底蕴深厚的人文景观成为中外游客心驰神往