Use of Internet Technology for the Improvement of Execution Management in Geotechnical Engineering P

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hahaohan
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An internet-based information and monitoring platform for the specific requirements of geotechnical engineering projects is presented. The platform is based on a hybrid-model approach consisting of a model-based information management system and a resource management system, the latter also referred to as DCMS. Project key information can be accessed via the main user interface, the “graphical navigator”. The graphical navigator provides also a direct access to additional information in the DCMS. Prompt reac-tion in exceptional situations as well as in daily work gets an extensive support. In practical applications it has been proven that this platform seems to be an adequate tool especially for risk assessment and management in geotechnical engineering projects. Components and advantages of the platform as well as ex periences from the applications are presented and discussed in the paper. An internet-based information and monitoring platform for the specific requirements of geotechnical engineering projects is presented. The platform is based on a hybrid-model approach consisting of a model-based information management system and a resource management system, the latter also referred to as The graphical navigator provides also direct access to additional information in the DCMS. Prompt reac- tion in exceptional situations as well as in daily work gets an extensive support. In practical applications it has been proven that this platform seems to be an adequate tool especially for risk assessment and management in geotechnical engineering projects. Components and advantages of the platform as well as ex periences from the applications are presented and discussed. in the paper.
目的探讨前颞海马杏仁核切除术式(CAH)对颞叶癫痫患者的精神症状的影响。方法 75例颞叶癫痫患者经历了CAH手术,并且3次(术前、术后1年、术后2年)顺利完成了SCL-90自评量表。
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