Association of problematic internet use with depression, impulsivity, anger, aggression, and social

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Importance::Several studies conducted worldwide (mostly in Western countries) highlighted the negative effects of problematic internet use, particularly among adolescents aged 12 to 17, including depression, impulsivity, aggression, and social fear and avoidance. In Lebanon, literature on the prevalence and impact of problematic internet use among adolescents is limited.Objective::This study aim was to study the association between problematic internet use and depression, impulsivity, anger, aggression and social phobia among Lebanese adolescents.Methods::A cross-sectional study was performed on 1103 young adolescents (14-17 years), recruited from October 2017 till April 2018. The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was used to evaluate the level of problematic internet use. Data were analyzed using the MANCOVA analysis. The main independent variable of interest was the IAT, while the dependent variables included the psychological scales.Results::The multivariate analysis taking the psychological scales as the dependent variables and the problematic internet use (IAT score) as an independent variable, showed that problematic internet use was associated with higher depression, impulsivity, aggression, anger, hostility and social anxiety.Interpretation::Problematic internet use has become an important health issue that should not be overlooked, particularly because of the increased use of the internet by adolescents. Educational programs on early exposure to the internet should be developed.“,”Importance::Several studies conducted worldwide (mostly in Western countries) highlighted the negative effects of problematic internet use, particularly among adolescents aged 12 to 17, including depression, impulsivity, aggression, and social fear and avoidance. In Lebanon, literature on the prevalence and impact of problematic internet use among adolescents is limited.Objective::This study aim was to study the association between problematic internet use and depression, impulsivity, anger, aggression and social phobia among Lebanese adolescents.Methods::A cross-sectional study was performed on 1103 young adolescents (14-17 years), recruited from October 2017 till April 2018. The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was used to evaluate the level of problematic internet use. Data were analyzed using the MANCOVA analysis. The main independent variable of interest was the IAT, while the dependent variables included the psychological scales.Results::The multivariate analysis taking the psychological scales as the dependent variables and the problematic internet use (IAT score) as an independent variable, showed that problematic internet use was associated with higher depression, impulsivity, aggression, anger, hostility and social anxiety.Interpretation::Problematic internet use has become an important health issue that should not be overlooked, particularly because of the increased use of the internet by adolescents. Educational programs on early exposure to the internet should be developed.
目的 建立顺序注射原子荧光光度计同时测定医院污水中总砷、总汞的方法.方法 按照L9(34)正交表,以硼氢化钾浓度、硝酸浓度、硫脲浓度、抗坏血酸浓度为影响因素,每个因素选取3个浓度水平,共设计9组试验来确定最佳实验条件.结果 测得9组试验中总砷的荧光强度为91.01~1 479.01,总汞的荧光强度524.19~1 421.45;影响砷荧光强度的因素中,硝酸的极差最大(1 030.42),硼氢化钾的极差最小(28.06);影响汞荧光强度的因素中,硼氢化钾的极差最大(578.49),抗坏血酸的极差最小(59.
目的 调查甘肃省定西市中小学生近视防控知识知晓情况,为进一步加强近视防控工作提供依据.方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,2020年在定西市7个县(区)的城区和农村分别抽取小学、初中、高中各1所,每个学校每个年级抽取一个班级,利用自行设计的问卷调查每个学生.结果 共调查18 649人,近视防控知识总知晓率为62.96%,单项题目知晓率14.77%~91.83%,女性(63.60%)高于男性(62.31%);不同性别人群近视防控知识平均得分差异有统计学意义(F=30.584,P<0.05),个人平均得分安定区最高(
目的 比较两种不同前处理方法在测定黑种草子样本中铜、铁、锌和锰等微量元素的优劣.方法 湿法消解法和压力罐消解法分别处理黑种草子,以火焰原子吸收光谱法测定微量元素.结果 湿法消解法精密度为0.4%~1.0%,回收率为85.8%~91.1%;压力罐消解法精密度为0.4%~0.8%,回收率为88.8%~95.5%.结论 压力罐消解法的精密度和准确度优于湿法消解法,消耗试剂少、操作简单,对环境污染及检验人员健康损害较小,是样品前处理的首选方法.
目的 了解医学院校“大学生创新性实验计划”项目实施过程中存在的问题及不足,为进一步开展大学生创新活动、提高医学人才培养质量提供理论依据.方法 2019年9月采用自行设计问卷,调查新疆某医科大学学生创新项目的实施效果及管理反馈结果.结果 902份有效问卷中,77.05%的学生认为学校实验条件基本满足需求,58.87%的学生认为自己的专业基础知识可基本满足研究需要,68.29%的学生认为开展创新项目最大的收获是科研能力得到锻炼,70.29%的学生认为学校项目立项公平公正;以不同身份参与项目学生的科研能力(x2
Introduction::Liver injury during SARS-CoV-2 infection has a multifactorial pathogenesis and it is frequent in pediatric cases.Case presentation::We report a case with severe hypertransaminasemia associated with mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.Conclusion::This
目的 分析云南省保山市隆阳区一犬伤多人事件流行病学特征,总结处置经验,为进一步做好狂犬病防控工作提供依据.方法 收集隆阳区一犬伤多人事件的调查处置资料,并进行流行病学描述分析.结果 2014-2018年隆阳区共发生35起一犬伤多人事件,主要分布在隆阳区的中部和东南部地区;肇事犬狂犬病病毒阳性率为80.00%;犬伤暴露者133人,狂犬病疫苗接种率为96.99%,免疫球蛋白注射率为62.41%;有1名暴露者因未接受规范处置而死亡,罹患率0.75%.结论 一犬伤多人事件危害大;应加强监测,规范犬只管理,建立规范
目的 调查山东省潍坊市孕妇碘营养及甲状腺功能状况,为指导当地孕妇合理补碘提供科学依据.方法 收集2019年在潍坊市中医院产前检查的孕妇的尿液及空腹静脉血,分别采用贝克曼AU5800全自动生化分析仪、罗氏E601电化学发光仪及相关试剂,测定其尿碘以及游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)3项甲状腺功能指标.结果 共调查278名孕妇,尿碘中位数184.0 μg/L,其中150 μg/L以下88人、占31.7%,150~249 μg/L 159人、占57.2%,250 μ
Importance::Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is an interdisciplinary collaboration that focuses on the prevention and relief of patient suffering. PPC has emerged as a critical field of medical expertise and practice. However, no information is available r
目的 调查甘肃省平凉市居民体育健身现状,分析存在问题及原因,为满足居民健康需求提供有益的策略与措施.方法 自行设计调查问卷,采用分层抽样方法,于2020年10月-2021年2月随机抽取平凉市3个县(市、区)的居民开展问卷调查.结果 共调查363人,其中69.42%的居民经常参加体育健身,健身项目以跑步为主、占77.78%,仅11.51%的居民去商业健身中心锻炼,41.05%的居民每年体育健身投入低于200元,96.97%的居民主要通过网络获取体育健身信息;66.67%的居民愿意参加社区或单位举办的体育比赛
Importance::In cases of epiblepharon with lower eyelid retraction secondary to glaucoma, correcting epiblepharon alone is ineffective. Combined surgery should be performed to obtain satisfactory outcomes.Objective::To investigate outcomes after surgery to