A Calibrating Device for Rogowski Coil Development

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RyanD
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A calibrating device for the Rogowski coil is developed,which can be used to cal-ibrate the Rogowski coil having a partial response time within tens of nanoseconds.Its keycomponent is a step current generator,which can generate the output with a rise time of less than2 ns and a duration of larger than 300 ns.The step current generator is composed by a pulseforming line(PFL)and a pulse transmission line(PTL).A TEM(transverse electromagneticmode)coaxial measurement unit is used as PTL,and the coil to be calibrated and the referencedstandard Rogowski coil can be fixed in the unit.The effect of the dimensions of the TEM unit isdiscussed theoretically as well as experimentally. A calibrating device for the Rogowski coil is developed, which can be used to cal-ibrate the Rogowski coil having a partial response time within tens of nanoseconds. Its keycomponent is a step current generator, which can generate the output with a rise time of less than2 ns and a duration of greater than 300 ns. The step current generator is composed of a pulse forming line (PFL) and a pulse transmission line (PTL). A TEM (transverse electromagneticmode) coaxial measurement unit is used as PTL, and the coil to be calibrated and the referenced standard Rogowski coil can be fixed in the unit. The effect of the dimensions of the TEM unit is not was theoretically as well as experimentally.
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