
来源 :国土资源高等职业教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwen_yu
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上个世纪末,国家地勘单位的发展方向定位于企业。但几年过去了,地勘单位转企改制并没有取得实质性的进展,目前大多数地勘单位还是按照“事业单位企业化管理”的模式运行,其性质依然保持为事业单位。2006年山东省省属事业单位改革的相关配套文件出台,在对事业单位实施分类改革的文件中,将多数地勘单位确定为公益类事业单位。因此,地勘单位必须抓住战略机遇,加快各项事业的发展,迎接未来的挑战。而充分利用山东省省属事业单位改革的政策,建立起灵活、适用、有效的用人机制、分配机制,建立一套科学合理的有效激励机制,实现对职工的充分激励,应是地勘单位发展的当务之急。 At the end of last century, the direction of the development of national geological survey units is located in enterprises. However, a few years have passed. Geological and geological exploration units have not made any substantive progress since the restructuring of their enterprises. Currently, most geological exploration units still operate in accordance with the model of “institution-based management of public institutions”, and their nature remains as public institutions. Relevant supporting documents for the reform of provincial public institution units in Shandong Province were introduced in 2006. Among the documents on the implementation of the classified reform of public institutions, most of the geological survey units have been designated as public welfare institutions. Therefore, geological exploration units must seize the strategic opportunities, accelerate the development of various undertakings and meet the challenges of the future. Taking full advantage of the reform policies of provincial government institutions in Shandong Province, establishing a flexible, applicable and effective employment mechanism and distribution mechanism and establishing a set of scientific and reasonable effective incentive mechanism to fully motivate workers should be the development of geological exploration units Imperative.
我所近三年果园试种多年生豆科小冠花与扁茎黄芪,表现很好。一、小冠花小冠花属 Coronilla L,是一种半匍匐蔓生性豆科多年生牧草。原产南欧和地中海地区,1974年美国友人韩丁
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