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在研究工作中,有时需要把在显微镜下观察到的某一未知相或夹杂物从金相试样上取下来,以便进一步的研究。我们在小型蔡司显微镜上,装了几件配件,实现了在显微镜下直接钻取目的物的工作。现介绍如下,供有关部门参考。需要的配件制备及安装: (1)钻头和物线套: 用φ0.8~1毫米的弹簧钢系经退火后弯成螺旋形,一端为钻尖,垂直向下,一端为钻柄,垂直向上。 In research work, it is sometimes necessary to remove some unknown phase or inclusions observed under the microscope from the metallographic sample for further study. We installed a small number of Zeiss Microscope accessories, to achieve the purpose of direct drilling under the microscope work. Now introduced as follows, for the relevant departments for reference. Need accessories preparation and installation: (1) drill and wire sets: with φ0.8 ~ 1 mm spring steel after annealing bent into a spiral, one end of the drill tip, vertical down, one end of the shank, vertical up.
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对《关于射线探伤用底片暗盒的改进意见》一文很有同感,但觉得还可补充两点: 1.根据《GB3323-82》2.6要求,在底片上还需有工件编号、底片编号、定位记号、透度计影像、透照
中国货币向日本的流入与影响周爱萍INFLUNCEOFTHECHINESECURRENCYTHATFLOWINJAPANINANCIENTTIMES¥ZhouAiping;Abstract:Accordingtheunearthedcoinsandhi... The Inflow and Influence of China’s Currency to Japan Zhou Aiping; Abstract: According theunearthedcoinsandhi ...
Onion-like carbon(OLC)was synthesized by annealing nanodiamond in low vacuum of 1 Pa and at annealing temperatures from 500℃to 1400℃.The high-resolution trans
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