
来源 :中国煤炭工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bobshen88888
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目的观察盐酸米诺环素软膏和α-糜蛋白酶联合治疗急性牙周脓肿的效果。方法选择来我院就诊的急性牙周脓肿患者60例,随机分为盐酸米诺环素软膏联合α-糜蛋白酶观察组和碘甘油对照组,每组各30例,观察组行牙周袋内刮治并用α-糜蛋白酶溶液袋内冲洗后牙周袋内注入盐酸米诺环素软膏,对照组行牙周袋内刮治后在牙周袋内涂滴2%碘甘油,观察治疗前后临床症状和临床指标(PD、GI、SBI)的变化。结果治疗后1周,观察组与对照组总有效率分别为90.00%,53.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);经治疗后2周,观察组与对照组总有效率分别为100%、60%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论急性牙周脓肿在常规基础治疗基础上,局部应用盐酸米诺环素软膏和α-糜蛋白酶是一种安全、有效、简便的辅助治疗方法。 Objective To observe the effect of combining minocycline hydrochloride ointment with α-chymotrypsin in the treatment of acute periodontal abscess. Methods Sixty patients with acute periodontal abscess who were treated in our hospital were randomly divided into three groups: minocycline hydrochloride ointment combined with α-chymotrypsin observation group and iodine glycerin control group, 30 cases in each group. The observation group was performed with periodontal pocket After scraping and treating, the minocycline hydrochloride ointment was injected into the periodontal pockets after rinsing with the solution of α-chymotrypsin. The control group was treated with periodontal pockets and 2% iodine glycerin was applied in the periodontal pockets to observe the changes of clinical symptoms before and after treatment Symptoms and clinical indicators (PD, GI, SBI) changes. Results The total effective rates of the observation group and the control group were 90.00% and 53.33% respectively at 1 week after treatment, with significant difference (P <0.001). After 2 weeks of treatment, the total effective rates of the observation group and the control group were 100 %, 60%, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). Conclusion Acute periodontal abscess is a safe, effective and simple adjuvant therapy based on the routine basic treatment, topical application of minocycline hydrochloride ointment and α-chymotrypsin.
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