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思想的禁锢来源于对常规的认可,跳不出心灵的牢笼,不敢直面更加真实的自己。当面临选择时,请倾听心灵最深处的声音,不要怀疑自己的能力,不要单纯地相信所谓的权威和定理,坚持自己所坚持的,给自己一个自由的天地!——鱼小泡我曾见过一只被囚在鸟笼中的健壮的雄鹰。这只雄鹰大大的眼睛圆睁开来,锐利逼人,神情桀骜得很。奇怪的是,鸟笼的门是打开的,但是,雄鹰并不飞走,只在笼中昂首阔步。我问驯鹰的大叔,雄鹰为什么不飞走,他笑着回答我:“这有什么奇怪呢?当初,刚捕获它,鸟笼的 The confinement of thought comes from the recognition of the routine, unable to jump out of the prison of spirit, and can not face the more real oneself. When faced with choices, listen to the deepest voice in your heart, do not doubt your own abilities, do not simply believe in the so-called authority and theorem, but stick to what you insist and give yourself a free world! - Fish vesicles I have seen A sturdy eagle trapped in a bird cage. The eagle’s big eyes wide open, sharp pressing, look very loudly. Curiously, the door to the cage was open, but the eagle did not fly away, only swaggering in the cage. I asked the uncle of the falconry, why the eagle did not fly away, he smiled and answered me: ”What’s so strange? At first, just captured it, the cage’s
Diamond films were deposited on the cemented carbide AC-15%Co substrates by a hot-filament chemical vapor deposition reactor. The substrate surfaces were chemic
鲜花,掌声!日前,在广州军区礼堂,一位脸庞黝黑的中年汉子走上了领奖台,从军区首长手中接过“人武之星”的大红奖牌。他,就是湖北中南橡胶集团武装部部长陈志安。 1981年,陈
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PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of replacing the posterior stroma and endothelium, using small incision deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty (DLEK) surgical
我国许多农村目前尚无自来水 ,家家户户都装1个手压式小水井。这种井的关键部件是“井头”。井头内下方有 1个“橡皮碗” ,压水时它以2 8次·min- 1的速度上下弯曲摆动 ,所以 ,
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