
来源 :国外内燃机车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylg_lanxi
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目前,柴油机正在向降低燃油消耗率,提高功率和采用多种燃料(例如燃用重油)的方向发展。随着这一发展趋势,柴油机零部件面临着提高负荷和温度的工作条件。在承受着热负荷的同时承受着机械负荷的柴油机燃烧室零部件要求有高的可靠性。排气门是承受最高工作温度的零件之一,与其它零部件相比,其工作条件也更为苛刻。作者们对改善在上述条件下工作的排气门的可靠性进行了研究。为了降低机械应力,特别是排气门头部的机械应力,采用了有限元计算法,并推荐采用气门头部的形状优化。对使用重油燃料的排气门的耐蚀性进行了实验室试验和在试验发动机上的试验。迄今为止,采用Nimonic合金(镍铬系合金)气门是解决耐高温应力和耐腐蚀性的最好方法之一。 Diesel engines are currently being developed to reduce fuel consumption, increase power and use multiple fuels, such as heavy fuel oil. With this trend of development, diesel engine parts are facing working conditions of increasing load and temperature. Diesel engine combustion chamber components subjected to mechanical loads while subjected to thermal loads require high reliability. Exhaust valve is to withstand the highest working temperature of the parts, compared with other parts, the working conditions are more demanding. The authors studied the improvement of the reliability of exhaust valves working under these conditions. In order to reduce the mechanical stress, especially the mechanical stress of the exhaust valve head, the finite element method is adopted and the shape optimization of the valve head is recommended. Laboratory tests on corrosion resistance of exhaust valves using heavy oil fuels and tests on test engines were conducted. To date, the use of Nimonic alloy (nickel-chromium alloy) valve is to solve the high temperature stress and corrosion resistance of the best way.
本文介绍阪急电铁新型车的概况及其设计思想和新技术。 This article introduces the general situation of Hankyu electric railway new car and its design ideas and ne
翻开高考英语试卷,研读历年高考试题,会发现有不少命题似曾相识。其实,在你手边的词典中就不难寻觅它们的踪影。请看: 例1.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an
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自铁路实行多种经营以来,就业的铁路职工近10万人,多经利润占运输利润的10%左右。多种经营已成为铁路经济的一个重要组成部分,成为铁路的第二财源。 Since the railway started
在全国铁路网络中,连接干线有许多铁路支线,这些支线作为路网的有机组成部分,在开发地方资源,吸引客流、货源各方面都产生了积极作用。 In the national railway network, there