
来源 :光华法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angel5tears
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物业管理是业主自治管理的重要制度。当下物业管理活动中各种法律纠纷堪称社会热点,而在众多法律纠纷中,最重要且最常见的是作为案件进入司法途径前提的法律主体的确定。此类纠纷繁多的根源在于我国《物业管理条例》立法模式的错误和相关法规的缺失和不完善。有鉴于此,本文通过对主要发达国家和地区关于物业管理法律制度和立法模式的分析总结,提出我国物业管理立法模式应有选择之路,进而从理论重要性和现实可能性角度进行分析在新的模式下如何科学、合理地解决现有的诸多法律纠纷,从而在理论和实务上完善并重构我国物业管理主体法律制度。 Property management is an important system of self-management of owners. At present, all kinds of legal disputes in the property management activities are social hot spots. Among the many legal disputes, the most important and most common is the determination of the legal subject as the premise of the judicial access to the case. The root causes of such disputes are the mistakes of the legislative mode of “Property Management Regulations” and the lack and imperfection of relevant laws and regulations. In view of this, this article through the major developed countries and regions on property management legal system and legislative model analysis and summary, put forward our country property management legislative model should have the choice of road, and then from the theoretical significance and realistic possibility analysis in the new How to solve many existing legal disputes rationally and reasonably so as to perfect and reconstruct the legal system of the subject of property management in theory and practice.
牙龈乳突炎导致患者面部不定位剧痛 ,临床上颇为少见 ,且容易导致误诊误治 ,作者报导 1例。1 病例患者 ,吴某 ,女 ,32岁。右面部疼痛 3d加重 1d。3d前 ,右下后牙突发疼痛 ,呈持
作者收集本科自1996年2月~2000年2月诊治的乳前rn牙反 162例,对74例追踪观察至替牙期,其中6例恒切牙rn反 ,现报告如下.rn临床资料rn74例患者,均为4个上前牙反 .其中女性28例,
一、平衡计分卡的提出 “平衡计分卡”的英文是.“TheBalanced Scorecared”。国内学者根据对其含义的不同理解,分别译为“战略平衡积分卡”、“平衡计分卡”或“综合记分卡
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