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Yesterday was Saturday.My father,my mother,my sister and I went shopping by car.First,we went to the supermarket.We bought some fruit and food there.Then my mother bought two nice sweaters and two pairs of sports shoes for my sister and me.They are the same,because we are twinsWe like them very much.Then we went to the bookshop.There are so many Yesterday was Saturday.My father, my mother, my sister and I went shopping by car.First, we went to the supermarket.We bought some fruit and food there.Then my mother boughttwo nice sweaters and two pairs of sports shoes for my sister and me.They are the same, because we are twinsWe like them very much.Then we went to the bookshop.There are so many
Today is Friday.It’s a sunny day,I think tomorrow will be a fine day,I am planning for the weekend now.I like to go on an outing on sunny days in spring,so I a
You’re more beautiful today than you were the day I met you.You had a really big pimple(青春痘)that day. You’re more beautiful today than you were the day I
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A little boy once put his hand into a jar. The jar was full of nuts. He tried to take out as many as his hand could hold. But when he tried to pull his hand out