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根据执教和点评者的介绍,本堂课设计时的初衷,是“变‘教教材’为‘用教材教’,将旧教材教出新意来”。这是颇有远见的思路。 其实,也无须看得太远。按照国家教育部的安排,到2005年秋,中小学阶段各起始年级的学生原则上都将进入新课程,算起来也不过两年半的光景就得按照课程标准的要求教学,如果对上世纪80年代的自然教学改革还不太熟悉,或者虽经历过改革但还不算站稳了脚跟的老师来说,仍然需要一个适应的过程,这两位老师所追求的“新意”就是在经历这个适应的过程。 对“用教材教”而不是“教教材”来说,教材的内容本无所谓新旧之分,有区别的只是“意”,即教育教学观念和思想,我们要适应的也就是这个。因此,无论现在用的什么教材,都可以作适应的材料,不必等到有了新教材才着手,这才是积极的态度。两年半的时光,是很难划出“等”这一块来的。 至于本课的记录和评点都很详细,见仁见智,留待大家研究和评论。 According to the coaching and commenters introduction, the original intention of this class design is “change teaching materials” as 'teaching materials', the old teaching materials to teach new ideas. This is quite far-sighted ideas. In fact, there is no need to look too far. According to the arrangement of the Ministry of National Education, by the autumn of 2005, students of the first grade of primary and secondary education will all enter the new curriculum in principle. However, only two and a half years have to be taught according to the requirements of the curriculum standards. The natural teaching reform of the 1980s is not yet familiar with it, or a teacher who has not yet got a firm footing through the reform still needs an adaptive process. The “new ideas” pursued by these two teachers are experiencing this Adapt to the process. For “teaching material” instead of “teaching material”, the content of teaching material does not matter between the old and the new, but only “meaning”, that is, the concept of education and thinking, which is what we want to adapt. Therefore, no matter what kind of teaching materials we are using now, we can all adapt ourselves to the materials so that we do not have to wait until we have a new teaching material. This is a positive attitude. Two and a half years, it is difficult to draw “wait” this one to. As for the lesson records and comments are very detailed, a matter of opinion, leaving us with research and commentary.
中国工程院于 2 0 0 2年 12月 19日在京举行了 2 0 0 3年院士增选新闻发布会。出席会议的有中国工程院院长徐匡迪 ,副院长王淀佐、刘德培、杜祥琬、沈国舫 ,秘书长常平、副秘
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一、设计理念精读课文的教学 ,应让学生拥有完整的阅读过程 ,经历精读与略读 ,朗读与默读 ,自悟与交流 ,思考与想像 ,课文阅读与资料收集利用 ,感知内容与领悟情感 ,理解语言
推荐、提名中国科学院、中国工程院院士候选人的工作每两年举行—次。中国地震学会将参加 2 0 0 3年中国科学技术协会所属全国性学会的推荐、提名中国科学院、中国工程院院士