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目的了解2014年贵州省不同民族中小学生乳、恒牙龋齿患病情况,为制定学生龋齿防治策略提供科学依据。方法按“2014年全国学生体质与健康调研工作手册”中龋齿的检查方法及诊断标准,于2014年9—11月对贵州省汉族、苗族、布依族、侗族和水族5个民族的7,9,12,14岁中小学生龋齿患病情况进行检查。结果 2014年贵州省5个民族学生乳牙患龋率为49.76%,龋均为2.01;恒牙患龋率为22.35%,龋均为0.51。各民族间学生乳、恒牙患龋率差异有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为93.67,34.71,P值均<0.01),且恒牙患龋率均为女生高于男生,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。龋齿充填率乳牙为2.22%,恒牙为0.83%,不同民族学生乳、恒牙龋齿充填率差异有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为71.42,117.75,P值均<0.01)。随年龄的增长,学生乳牙龋均呈下降趋势,恒牙龋均呈上升趋势。结论贵州省不同民族中小学生患龋情况不容乐观,各民族龋病防治工作发展不平衡。口腔卫生保健工作需进一步推进。 Objective To understand the prevalence of dental caries in primary and secondary school students in different ethnic groups in Guizhou province in 2014 and to provide a scientific basis for the development of prevention and control strategies for dental caries in students. Methods According to the inspection methods and diagnostic criteria of dental caries in “2014 National Student Physique and Health Investigation Workbook”, from July to November 2014, 7 ethnic groups in Han, Miao, Buyi, Dong and Shui ethnic groups in Guizhou Province , 9,12,14-year-old primary and secondary dental caries prevalence of illness were examined. Results In 2014, the prevalence of caries was 49.76% in all 5 ethnic minority students in Guizhou province, and the caries was 2.01. The caries prevalence was 22.35% in permanent teeth and 0.51 in caries. There was significant difference in dental caries prevalence among all ethnic groups (χ ~ 2 = 93.67, 34.71, P <0.01), and the prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth was higher in girls than in boys Statistical significance (P <0.01). The filling rate of dental caries was 2.22% for primary teeth and 0.83% for permanent teeth. There was significant difference in the filling rate of dental caries in different ethnic groups (χ ~ 2 = 71.42 and 117.75, P <0.01). With age, the deciduous teeth of students showed a downward trend, the permanent teeth showed an upward trend. Conclusion The situation of dental caries among primary and secondary school students in different ethnic groups in Guizhou Province is not optimistic. The development of caries prevention and control among ethnic groups is not balanced. Oral health care needs to be further promoted.
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