Portal vein thrombosis:Prevalence,patient characteristics and lifetime risk:A population study based

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianshiye45
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AIM: To assess the lifetime cumulative incidence of portal venous thrombosis (PVT) in the general population. METHODS: Between 1970 and 1982, 23 796 autopsies, representing 84% of all in-hospital deaths in the Malmo city population, were performed, using a standardised protocol including examination of the portal vein. PVT patients were characterised and the PVT prevalence at autopsy, an expression of life-time cumulative incidence, assessed in high-risk disease categories and expressed in terms of odds ratios and 95% CI. RESULTS: The population prevalence of PVT was 1.0%. Of the 254 patients with PVT 28% had cirrhosis, 23% primary and 44% secondary hepatobiliary malignancy, 10% major abdominal infectious or inflammatory disease and 3% had a myeloproliferative disorder. Patients with both cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma had the highest PVT risk, OR 17.1 (95% CI 11.1-26.4). In 14% no cause was found; only a minority of them had developed portal-hypertension-related complications. CONCLUSION: In this population-based study, PVT was found to be more common than indicated by previous clinical series. The markedly excess risk in cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma should warrant an increased awareness in these patients for whom prospective studies of directed intervention might be considered. METHODS: Between 1970 and 1982, 23 796 autopsies, representing 84% of all in-hospital deaths in the Malmo city population, were performed, using a standardized protocol including examination of the portal vein. PVT patients were characterized and the PVT prevalence at autopsy, an expression of life-time cumulative incidence, assessed in high-risk disease categories and expressed in terms of odds ratios and 95% CI. RESULTS : The population prevalence of PVT was 1.0%. Of the 254 patients with PVT 28% had cirrhosis, 23% primary and 44% secondary hepatobiliary malignancy, 10% major abdominal infectious or inflammatory disease and 3% had a myeloproliferative disorder. Patients with both cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma had the highest PVT risk, OR 17.1 (95% CI 11.1-26.4). In 14% no cause was found; only a minority of them had developed portal-hypertension-related complications. CONCLU SION: In this population-based study, PVT was found to be more common than indicated by previous clinical series. The markedly excess risk in cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma should warrant an increased awareness in these patients for whom prospective studies of directed intervention might be considered .
清代沿用前代科举取士制度,那时的“高考”分乡试、会试两级。可谓是一考定终生,甚至一步登天,主考和考生怎能不重视,因此也演绎了一幕幕具有悲喜色彩的趣闻轶事。  考棚里的苦与乐  清代的乡试在旧历八月初八至十六日举行,历时九天,每三天为一场。省考试场称贡院,考棚同蜜蜂窝一样密集,又称号子。每十个号子为一弄,一弄之间可以来往,但不能出弄。考生入场后吃、住、作文都在里面。这九天内,连做饭、烧水全要自己动手
翻开中国的历史,官吏贪污腐化者不乏其例,因此,历朝历代多有“反腐”之举。这其中,当属明太祖朱元璋的力度最大。  平民出身的朱元璋从小就目睹和感受了贪官污吏对百姓的盘剥压榨,因此,他对官场上的贪污腐化行为深恶痛绝,所以他建立大明帝国后,便开展了一系列的“反腐”行动。  训示官员勿贪。1368年,朱元璋初登帝位,便训示满朝官吏:“天下初定,百姓财力俱困,如鸟初飞,木初植,勿拔其羽,勿撼其根。惟廉者能约
患者为男性,24岁.因IgA肾病、慢性肾功能不全行肾移植术.术后采用环孢素A、霉酚酸酯及激素预防排斥反应.术后15 d突然出现腹痛,血压40 mm Hg/30 mm Hg,给予积极抗休克治疗(输血1000 m1),随后手术探查.术中见移植肾动脉距吻合口约0.5 cm处有一0.5 cm×0.6 cm破孔,管壁组织糜烂,肾脏大小正常,颜色苍白,切除移植肾.