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很多人将市场营销看作是产品间的竞争,他们认为,从长远看,最好的产品终将获胜。实际上人们只看到了市场营销中表面的竞争,而没有看到另一面竞争。事实上,市场营销的竞争包括两个方面,一是产品间的竞争,一是观念的竞争。在某种意义上讲,观念的竞争比产品的竞争更隐蔽、也更激烈,一旦占领市场后很难被挤出市场。实物和观念的竞争有其不同的特点:实物竞争表面化,观念竞争隐蔽化;实物竞争具有残酷性,观念竞争没有残酷性;实物竞争占领市场快,失去市场也快;观念竞争占领市场慢,失去市场也慢;实物竞争经济投资大,观念竞争经济投资小。在认识实物竞争和观念竞争时应该充分认识以下几个问题。 Many people see marketing as competition between products, and they think the best product will eventually win in the long run. In fact, people only see the surface of the marketing competition, but did not see the other side of the competition. In fact, the marketing competition includes two aspects, one is the competition between products, the other is the competition of ideas. In a sense, the concept of competition is more subtle than the competition in products, but also more intense. Once the market is dominated, it is hard to be squeezed out of the market. The physical and ideological competition has its own characteristics: the physical competition and the conceptual competition are concealed; the physical competition is brutal, the concept of competition is not brutal; the physical competition occupies the market fast and the market is lost; the conceptual competition occupies the market slowly and loses The market is also slow; real competition in economic investment, the concept of competitive economy, small investment. In understanding the real competition and the concept of competition should fully understand the following questions.
周宗璜(1904-1981)请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Zhouzong Huang (1904-1981) Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
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