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河北古有云洲,乃元中统四年(1263年)升望云县为云洲,地处河北赤城县之北。今天此地仍叫云洲,是赤城县的—个大镇,大镇之北,则有—个奇险的地方,叫龙门崖,北宋年间,龙门崖是宋军镇守重要隘口,如今巨大的崖壁上仍尚有“朔方屏障”四个大字,杨家的门人杨洪在此还? Hebei ancient cloud state, is Yuan Central for four years (1263) rose Yunxian as cloud Island, is located in Hebei Akagi north. Today is still called Yun Chau, is Akagi County - a town, north of the town, there is - a strange place of adventure, called Longmen Cliff, the Northern Song Dynasty, Longmen Cliff is an important pass guarding the Song Jun, now a huge cliff There are still walls, “Shuofang Barrier,” the four characters, Yang’s door Yang Hong in this also?
Turner综合征又称先天性卵巢发育不全症.其发病率在女性中为1/2500,在原发闭经患者中占 1/3。1993~2000年.我们收治26例Turner综合征患者,现将其临床和染色体核型结果报告分析如下。 临床资料:本组新生儿(10天)1例,6岁1例
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选择我们 2 0 0 1年 2月至 2 0 0 4年 9月所观察的采用经阴道子宫切除术 36例的病例资料 ,对其治疗作临床分析 ,现报告如下。资料与方法1 一般资料 对于子宫肌瘤、子宫腺肌