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  Tom: Hey Gracie. You haven’t booked that package tour yet, have you?
  Grace: Not yet. I’m still ironing out which days I can take off from work.
  Tom: Alright. ①So…I don’t mean to beat a dead horse. But—
  Grace: Lemme guess. You wanna do a self-guided tour, right?
  Tom: Well look at you, a regular know-it-all!
  Grace: And I suppose you’ve gathered up evidence for your argument, to present before the honorable Judge Grace?
  Tom: Thank you, your honor. If it pleases the court, I’d like to file exhibit A.
  Grace: And what is this I’m looking at, counselor?
  Tom: Your honor, these are the honest, if not sworn, testimonials of thousands of tourists who claim to have enjoyed their French adventures without the accompaniment of a group or tour guide bogging them down the whole time.
  Grace: I see. And do they all claim to have been bogged down by tours on prior occasions?
  Tom: Yes, your honor. And many also claim to have been annoyed to the point of insanity.
  Grace: Alright. Well, if there’s nothing more…
  Tom: Actually, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We also have this…
  Grace: And this is what? A bunch of places no one’s ever heard of?
  Tom: With good reason. This is a list of sites, well off the beaten path, that can only be found by avoiding all the tourists and finding our own path; the kind of places for people like us, who color outside the lines and follow the beat of a different drum.
  Grace: Counselor, you are aware that you don’t get extra points for overused clichés?
  Tom: Understood. But before you make your final ruling, take a look at this…
  Grace: Wait! Did you—
  Tom: I know your honor cares about relaxing during a vacation, and doesn’t wanna worry about making hotel arrangements and travel plans and budgets and everything.
   Grace: This is all true. Go on...
   Tom: ②So, I took the liberty of planning out every last detail. And because I know you better than some creepy, mustachioed travel agent, I was able to incorporate all of your favorite activities. ③Including, the coup de grace, a revitalizing spa retreat with couples massages and hikes through the hills and valleys of Southern France. ④So, how do you like them apples?
  Grace: I just can’t believe you went to all this trouble. But if we follow your plan, the timing has to be perfect. If we miss one connecting train or bus, the whole schedule will fall apart. Tom: Yeah, we’ll have our work cut out for us. But, what do you say?   Grace: Eh…I’m not sold. But the case isn’t closed yet.
   Smart Sentences
   ① So…I don’t mean to beat a dead horse.
   beat a dead horse: insist on talking about sth. that has already been thoroughly discussed(白费口舌,白费劲)。例如:
   —Judy, I was thinking of asking Mom again about going to Jason’s birthday.
   —Well, I think that’s just beating a dead horse.
   ② So, I took the liberty of planning out every last detail.
   take the liberty of: do sth. without permission(冒昧,擅自)。例如:
   —Hey, dear, I took the liberty of organizing your desk while you were on vacation. It looks nice, doesn’t it?
   —What?! No wonder I can’t find a thing!
   ③ Including, the coup de grace, a revitalizing spa retreat with couples massages and hikes through the hills and valleys of Southern France. 包括两个让人叫绝的活动:一个是在水疗度假村来个夫妻按摩,可以让你迅速恢复精力;另一个是在法国南部的山林和峡谷里徒步。
   the coup de grace: the finishing and decisive stroke(最后决定性的一击)。例如:
   The landing accident last month was the coup de grace for the failing airlines.
   ④ So, how do you like them apples?
   How do you like them apples?: sth. you say mockingly when you want to show sb. how successful you are, especially when you have done sth. better than they have(在你成功完成某事,特别是做得比对方好的时候,嘲笑对方的话)。例如:
   Hey, David, I thought you said you were the king of spelling. But I beat you again, three times in a row. How do you like them apples?
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【摘 要】德育是一个贯穿于教学过程始终的重要主题,在高中英语教学中,教师要转变教学观念,构建良好的德育教育环境,紧密联系教材中的具体内容,对学生进行德育教育的渗透。  【关键词】德育 观念 环境 教材   教育的目的是要让学生得到全面发展,而这里所指的全面不仅仅是要让学生在学习过程中获得文化知识,形成一定的技能,还要在教学中加强德育教育,促使学生形成正确的价值观念。因此,在高中英语教学中加强德育
【摘 要】  高三是整个高中阶段最关键的一年,而进入总复习阶段的第二学期则显得尤为重要。词汇的复习在整个复习过程中占有较大的比重。词汇是构建英语句子和语篇最基本的材料,词汇不过关,句型就无从谈起,阅读理解就没有可能提高,书面表达的提高更是一句空话。但是,高三复习内容多,課时紧,要将所学的所有词汇都复习一遍是不可能的,而且,泛泛的复习会使学生感到无聊乏味,收效甚微。对此,我采用灵活多变的方式复习重点
一、语感感知法   做完形填空题时,有相当一部分题仅凭语感就能猜出答案来,根本用不着考虑其他因素,这时就可以毫不犹豫地选出答案。如:若所挖的空是自己非常熟悉的句子,一读就知道填什么,就用不着看下面的选项。   二、语境推测法   这种方法也叫逻辑推断法。完形填空题是一篇有完整内容的文章,各段各行之间有着逻辑上的必然联系。在所提供的选项中,有的从语法角度考虑是正确的,从语意上考虑就会自相矛盾,
【摘 要】   英语教师作为中小学英语课程基础知识传授者、主导者,其专业技术优劣、职业素质高低直接影响着英语教学质量与效果。为了迎合教育部门提出的“核心素养”培育目标,需要就县域内英语教师均衡发展培训工作进行合理规划与设计,以此弥补现行英语培训课程不足,推动英语教学工作的可持续发展。  【关键词】   英语教师;均衡发展;培训教育;培养研究   新课改制度的出现将学生的“核心素养”培育工作提
写作能力的提高是一个量变到质变的渐进过程,不是一朝一夕的事。因此同学们在平时要统筹计划,讲究方法,循序渐进,阶段侧重,逐步达到高考提出的写作要求。下面笔者谈谈在高二阶段学生进行写作训练应注意的事项,以期对大家有所帮助。   很多学生在高二阶段重知识点学习而忽视了写作训练,总想着到高三再进行系统的训练。事实上,英语写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的基本功训练过程,须遵循由浅入深、由简及繁的原则。因此同
摘 要:中职英语教学设计要发挥英语教师的主导作用,充分发挥学生的主体作用,发挥音乐歌曲的艺术魅力,利用微课、翻转课堂、在线课堂等形式,努力提高英语教学质量,培养适应社会需求的就业人才。  关键词:中职英语课堂教学设计 教师主导 学生主体 英语歌曲 微课  一、课堂教学设计,要发挥英语教师的主导作用。  为了确保中职学校英语课堂的教学质量,按照新课程改革的要求,中职英语教师要用自己的“主导”地位替代