
来源 :党建研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:landywww
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党的十八大报告强调要以改革创新精神全面提高党的建设科学化水平。提高党内生活科学化水平是全面提高党的建设科学化水平的应有之义。党内生活,是指中国共产党组织体系内部所开展的与组织性质、目标、任务、功能相关联的,旨在加强思想、组织、作风、廉政、制度等方面建设,从而提高内部成员素质、理顺内部各种关系、保持内部更为纯洁、实现内部团结统一、增强组织整体凝聚力和战斗力的一切活动。其基本特征是体现组织性质的政治性、体现组织任务的目标性、体现组织纪律的原则性、体现组织活力的民主性、体现组织成员的平等性以及 The report of the 18th CPC National Congress emphasizes that we should comprehensively raise the scientific level of party building with the spirit of reform and innovation. Improving the Scientific Level of Inner-Party Life Is the Necessary Cause of Raising the Overall Scientific Level of Party Building. Inner-party life refers to the internal organization of the Communist Party of China that is conducted in accordance with the nature, objectives, tasks and functions of the organization and aims at strengthening the building of ideology, organization, style, integrity and system so as to enhance the quality of internal members. Follow all the internal relations and maintain a more pure internal structure and achieve internal unity and unity and enhance all the activities of the overall cohesion and combat effectiveness of the organization. Its basic characteristics are the political nature of the organization, the objectives of the organization, the principle of the organization’s discipline, the democracy of the organization, the equality of the members of the organization,
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【摘要】英语“六模块”教学中要从自主参与、自主合作、自主探究三个方面挖掘在英语课堂中如何提高学生的自主学习能力,帮助他们形成良好的学习习惯,为他们的终身可持续学习奠定基础。  【关键词】自主学习 英语课堂  传统的英语教学主要是“满堂灌”、填鸭式的教学模式,往往出现教师在上面讲得激情四射,学生则在下面听得昏昏入睡。这种被动的学习方式,阻碍了学生的个性发展,也阻碍了他们的学习积极性和主动性。  课堂
I have a good friend.Her name is Wu Ruotong.Her English name is Amy.She is thirteen years old.She has long hair and two big eyes.Her father is a driver and her
<正> 我们参考了中国科学院冶金研究所用碘化汞作为淀粉溶液防腐剂的经验,采用了碘化汞-碘化钾混合试剂作为淀粉溶液的防腐剂,效果很好(碘化汞和碘化钾一起很好溶解)。配制的