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所有人都一样,在没有遭遇爱情时把爱情想象成美好的蓝图,一旦触及,却是铁马冰河,这一点,潘恩就有深刻体会。1潘恩记得第一次看到苏小苏是在古老苏州春天的某个瞬间。他确定自己不会记错,但事隔多年问起别人来,别人说苏小苏没有在学校的五四青年上弹奏评弹,到底是潘恩失忆还是别人记错,潘恩实在是想不出到底是谁的错,就像他迷恋上当年弹评弹的女子,刹那之间就天崩地裂了。 Like everyone, imagining love as a beautiful blueprint without encountering love, once touched, is a glacier, and Paine has a deep understanding. 1 Paine remembers seeing Su Xiaosu for the first time in a spring of ancient Suzhou. He was sure he would not remember correctly, but after many years he asked others to come. Someone said that Su Xiaosu did not play Pingtan in the May Fourth youth of the school. In the end, it was Paine who lost his memory or others misunderstood. Who is wrong, just as he was fascinated by the women who were on the ballistic missile bombings, the moment between heaven and earth to crack.
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