欣赏课文插图 展现语文之美

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教学过程是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程,是和同学们共同探究学问、感受提高、形成能力的美妙旅程。转变教师的教学方式,由此实现学生学习方式的转变,是本次课程改革的显著特征。重视课文插图的教学在新教育环境下也有着更丰富的内涵。在教学中,指导学生观察课文插图,是训练学生语文创新能力、审美能力的有效途径。插图是教材的一个重要组成部分,它是编者根据课文的内容和特点,精心安排绘制的,对训练学生的观察想象能力、正确理解体悟课文的思想内容、陶冶爱美情趣起着不 The teaching process is an interactive process of interaction between teachers and students and common development. It is a wonderful journey for students to explore their knowledge, improve their feelings and form their abilities together. The change of teachers ’teaching methods and the change of students’ learning styles are the distinctive characteristics of this course reform. Emphasis on teaching text illustrations in the new education environment also has a richer content. In teaching, guiding students to observe the text illustrations is an effective way to train students’ ability of Chinese innovation and aesthetic ability. Illustration is an important part of the textbook, which is the editor according to the content and characteristics of the text, carefully arranged for the training of students to observe the imagination, understanding of the correct understanding of the text of the ideological content to cultivate the aesthetic taste does not
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音乐新课程标准对高中阶段音乐教学的任务明确提出:“引导学生主动参与音乐实践,尊重个体的不同音乐体验和学习方式,发展学生的创造性思维,形成良好的人文素养,为学生终身喜爱音乐、学习音乐、享受音乐奠定良好的基础。”高中阶段开设音乐课程的根本目标,就是是要努力培养学生的人文素养和创造性思维,为学生的全面发展提供机遇。  但就目前来看,高中音乐课堂教学满足于学生对一些歌曲的掌握,教学方法以讲授法、练习法为主
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