马特琳 没有台词的奥斯卡影后

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1987年3月30日的晚上,洛杉矶音乐中心大厅内人潮涌动,全世界期盼着的第59届奥斯卡金像奖的颁奖仪式正在举行。到了揭晓最佳女主角的时刻,参加颁奖仪式成员的心都悬了起来。“玛莉·马特琳!”随着主持人的一声呼喊,全场顿时爆发出了经久不息的掌声。玛莉·马特琳在掌声与欢呼声中走上领奖台,并用手语向观众示意着—她竟然是一位聋哑人。马特琳虽然出生在美国一个条件优越的商人家庭,但18个月时的一场高烧,夺去了她的听说能力。可她并没有失去信心,相反对生活更加充满了 On the night of March 30, 1987, crowds of people in the lobby of the Los Angeles Music Center surged and awards ceremony was held for the 59th Academy Award which the world is looking forward to. To the moment when the best actress was revealed, the heart of the members who attended the ceremony was suspended. “Marie Matlin! ” With the host’s cry, the audience suddenly burst into prolonged applause. Mary Mathiem took the podium in applause and cheers and gestured in sign language to the audience - she turned out to be a deaf-mute. While she was born in a well-established businessman’s family in the United States, Mattinen took a fever at 18 months and claimed her ability to hear and write. But she did not lose confidence, on the contrary more full of life
第Ⅰ部分(苏教版教材)1.(必修3第3章概率3.2古典概型例3)将一颗骰子先后抛掷2次,观察向上的点数,问:(1)共有多少种不同的结果?(2)两数之和是3的倍数的结果有多少种? Part I
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谁说只有大学生才会写论文?我们小学生一样可以写。一起来吧,做个小学者,写篇大论文! Who says only college students can write essays? We can write as primary school
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