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依法治国从本质上来说就是政府依照宪法和法律治理国家,是广大人民群众在党的领导下,依照宪法和法律,通过各种途径和形式管理国家和社会事务。党的领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,是社会主义法治最根本的保证。把党的领导贯彻到依法治国全过程和各方面,是我国社会主义法治建设的一条基本经验。党的领导是依法治国的前提和保障中国共产党是社会主义法治事业的领导核心。中国共产党是我国的执政党,带领全国人民掌握国家权力、管理国家事务,是社会主义事业坚强的领导核心。 Governing the Country by Law According to its essence, the government governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and the law and the majority of the people and the people governed the country and society through various channels and forms, under the leadership of the party and in accordance with the Constitution and laws. The leadership of the party is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the most fundamental guarantee for the rule of law in socialism. To carry out the Party’s leadership in the entire process and in all aspects of governing the country according to law is a basic experience in the construction of the socialist legal system in our country. The party’s leadership is the precondition of governing the country according to law and the leading core for ensuring that the CPC is the cause of socialist rule of law. As the ruling party of our country, the Chinese Communist Party leads the people of the entire country in grasping state power and managing state affairs and is the strong leading core of the cause of socialism.
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