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今年3月1日,商务部网站全新改版。到2005年,它已经连续三年名列中国政府网站绩效评估部委网站第1名。商务部网站何以能在全国76个部委、委办局及直属机构网站中成绩遥遥领先,又何以能稳居全球政府网站访问量前5名?商务部网站的建设模式、管理模式和运行维护模式是否具有普遍的推广意义,其带来的电子政务的创新价值是什么?同样是政府网站建设,河北省邯郸市的政府网站建设与商务部有明显的不同,但也取得了2005年华北地区地市级政府网站绩效评估第2名的好成绩。河北省邯郸市以政府网站作为推动政府执政为民的窗口,整合了当地主要的电子政务系统和资源,创新性地开展了政民互动、行政权力公开透明等工作,将政府的行政权力公布于网上。“阳光是黑暗的天敌,公开是腐败的克星”,醒目的标语24小时闪动在邯郸市政府门前的电子显示屏上。两个行政职能和属性完全不同的政府网站,两个截然不同的政府网站建设与电子政务创新的故事。本刊记者阳春3月深入一线采访调查,详细解读两份政府网站的成绩单。“绩效”,信息化深水区的焦点问题之一,同样体现在电子政务领域。在两份同样优秀的政府网站成绩单的背后,折射出我国电子政务建设20年来,从系统建设到内容建设,以及越来越关注行政管理体制改革、政府职能转变、政府信息资源有效整合和利用等深层次问题的发展脉络。 March 1 this year, the Ministry of Commerce website new revision. By 2005, it has been ranked No. 1 on the website of the performance appraisal ministry of the Chinese government website for three consecutive years. Why the Ministry of Commerce website in the country 76 ministries, commissions and agencies directly under the authority of the website performance far ahead, and why it can keep the world’s top five government website visits? Ministry of Commerce website construction mode, management mode and operation and maintenance mode Whether it has a universal promotion of significance, which brings the innovative value of e-government is what? Also the construction of government websites, Handan City, Hebei Province, the construction of government websites and the Department of Commerce is obviously different, but also made in 2005 in North China Good results of 2nd place in municipal government website performance evaluation. Handan City, Hebei Province, using government websites as a window to promote government for the people, integrates major local e-government systems and resources, innovates the interaction between government and people, and makes the administrative power open and transparent. It publishes the administrative power of the government on Online. “Sunshine is a natural enemy of darkness, public corruption is a nemesis,” eye-catching banners flashing 24 hours in front of the Handan municipal government’s electronic display. Two government websites with completely different administrative functions and attributes, two completely different stories of government website construction and e-government innovation. Our correspondent Yang Chun March in-depth interview survey, a detailed interpretation of two government website transcripts. One of the key issues of “performance” and information-based deepwater areas is also reflected in the field of e-government. Behind two equally outstanding government website transcripts, it reflects that in the past 20 years since the construction of e-government in our country, from systems construction to content construction, and more and more attention has been paid to the reform of administrative systems, the transformation of government functions and the effective integration and utilization of government information resources The development of other deep-seated problems.
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摘 要:在全民共建和谐社会的今天,培养幼儿的分享意识和能力,是当今幼儿教育者所肩负的新的历史使命。而培养幼儿的分享意识,让幼儿理解什么是“分享”才是关键。本文中阐述了利用早期阅读、情境体会、互动交流、图示提醒等情境体验方式来唤醒、体验、感悟、建构幼儿心中的“分享”概念。  关键词:分享;唤醒;体验;感悟;建构  分享是一种理念,是合作、接纳、创造的过程;分享是一种方式,是学习、交往和生活方式;分享
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