Discuss the Methods of Secondary School English Teachers’ Self—development in China’s Rural Areas

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  China has made significant progress in its education over the past 30 years, particularly in English teaching in rural area due to the improvement of the English teachers’ overall English level. Despite these encouraging facts, the current conditions of English teaching in China’s rural areas is not optimistic and still faces challenges (People’s Daily Online, 2009). Owing to a structural shortage of specialist English teachers, the poor schooling facilities, the Chinese government provides very limited training approaches, training recourse and funds for the teachers. Taking ECP for example, up to now, there are only about 1500 primary and secondary English teachers having been accepted the oversea training all over the country in the past 10 years. What’s more, the majority of the trainee teachers are from urban China instead of rural areas. Therefore, as to the rural English teachers, it is more difficult to attend the “government-or-school-sponsored on-the-job training activities”. Nevertheless, the rural teachers should know their weaknesses because they are the main part of English teaching force, and spontaneously choose a different path to improve their English level. The following will be discussed is the effective ways to help rural area English teachers to achieve self-development.
  First of all, reflective teaching is an effective way to audit knowledge, which can help teachers obtain targeted approaches to achieve self-development. As Johnson (1998)asserts that English teachers should“identify the areas of strength and weakness for themselves”(p5), and also Johnson (1998)claims that, “the purpose of the audit:to identify areas of strength and weakness for yourself. ”However, how to audit knowledge? What’s the effective way to audit knowledge? I think reflective teaching is the best way. According to Wikipedia, “Reflective teaching is a process where teachers think over their teaching practices, analyzing how something was taught and how the practice might be improved or changed for better learning outcomes. ”`And also, as Randall(2001) said, it “involve helping the trainee teachers to learn to take responsibility and manage their own learning. ”(p42)
  Feedback is an effective reflective teaching. Randall and Thornton(2001)state, “There is usually a general consensus that teaching is best learn ‘on the job. ”, which is quite often happens in the classroom and takes place during the whole process of teaching practice, which involves more than the lesson in the classroom. Therefore, we can get direct feedback from students and indirect feedback from colleagues. There are two kinds of feedback:direct and indirect feedback.   On the one hand, teachers can get direct feedback-from their own students and benefit a lot through this way. There is a common practice which teachers can take:After a lesson or activity or at the end of the class, ask students to briefly and honestly describe what they learned and what, if anything, didn’t work well in the lesson. That is, the teachers should get timely response from their students about what was taught, and to which extent the students understand the material. They should make sure whether or not the students need more time to digest what they’ve learned. Meanwhile, teachers also need to know whether the assignment appropriate or not. Teachers should take flexible ways to allow their own students to provide the feedback anonymously. The responses can be either positive or negative. Whatever they are, make a note, use a journal, and have a deeper thinking about the whole teaching procedure, in a word, reflect on all the information you can get from your students for improving or changing your teaching practices.
  On the other hand, teachers can get indirect feedback from their colleagues. According to Randall and Thornton(2001), “in the ideal supervision cycle the role of the observer is to provide information to the post-lesson feedback session as data on which to work.” This is indirect feedback more than the lesson in the classroom, which requires an expert or a colleague who is superior to you in teaching to give you comments or suggestions. In that case, you can sincerely invite one of your colleagues who is experienced and professional in both classroom management and your subject, to your class and observe a session. From this process, you can get direct and frank feedback, which always benefits you a lot.
  Secondly, teachers should promote common development through collaborative learning, which in turn helps teachers achieve self-development efficiently. According to Wikipedia, “collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. ” Gerlach claims that, “Collaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a naturally social act in which the participants talk among themselves(1994). It is throughout the talk that learning occurs. ”
  As a teacher, we can apply collaborative learning into lessons preparation effectively which in turn helps teachers achieve self-achievement through the cooperative preparing for lessons. Let’s take the 15 English teachers in Tongnan Middle School for example. The ways of collaborative learning are as follows:First, before giving lessons, the 15 English teachers in the same grade should spend time(on average 2 hours a week)analyzing the coursebook, discussing teaching methods, ticking out important and difficult teaching points etc. This collaborative preparing for lessons can help teachers involved and engaged in teaching activities more effectively and efficiently,which helps the teachers have a good understand of the coursebook, build up self-confidence, achieve self-development. In addition, through preparing for classes collaboratively and adopting the coursebook jointly, they can compile their own high quality teaching materials, which is more suitable for the rural students. In turn, teachers can put their theoretical knowledge into practice ability according to this process. Then, the 15 English teachers participate in the teaching competition. Through competing with each other and sitting in on each others’ class, colleagues may have an easy and quick access to some fresh information and new style in English teaching which is time -saving and efficient. Finally, the 15 teachers sit together discussing and commenting the lessons they have attended, exchanging experience in teaching. From different perspectives, they have a full discussion about the lesson, exchange ideas in the collaborative learning setting. Therefore, the 15 teachers have the opportunity to converse with peers, present and defend ideas, exchange diverse beliefs, question other conceptual frameworks, and be actively engaged, In that case, the teachers are gradually making improvement.   Finally, teachers can achieve their self-development through peer-teaching. According to Educatonscotland. gov. uk. , “Peer education is a term widely used to describe a range of initiatives where young people from a similar age group, background, culture and/or social status educate and inform each other about a wide variety of issues. ”Peer teaching, exactly to say, for teachers’ training, peer coaching, can be wildly used to help achieve teachers’ self-development.
  Teachers can benefit a lot from peer-teaching. Peer teaching encourages teachers to ‘teach’ each other according to their own understanding of information, which leads to a deeper understanding of topic material, and helps them acquire the teaching skills and professional knowledge. Peer teaching has a strong influence on Chinese English teachers’ personal development as follows:Firstly, peer teachers can reinforce their own learning by instructing others. Let’s take Chinese ECP teachers studying in Brighton University for example. The ECP members are from different schools in different areas in China, once they finish their training in the United Kingdom and go back to their schools, they will become the greatest resources of their colleagues. In turn, through peer teaching, these teachers can reinforce what they learned. Secondly, through various ways of peer teaching, like giving lecture, having a public lesson, the teachers, who have no access to overseas training experience can fully participate in educational activities and acquire a wider range of teaching techniques. In that case, it has a huge effect on both their theory knowledge improving and their teaching skills obtaining, which contributes not only to their positive attitudes to teaching but also building their confidence. Thirdly, as Chinese English teachers, who teach the same subject in the same school, share the same teaching background, and have similar ability can reach common goals through peer teaching, which help them improve themselves in a harmonious and economical way.
  As globalization is speeding up and the world today is becoming increasingly competitive, English is playing a more and more important role in all kinds of fields in China. Therefore, English teaching should meet the needs the development of society. Meanwhile, better-informed teachers are urgently needed due to the new developing circumstances in modern China. Especially for the rural secondary school English teachers, because as the main body of compulsory education, their English level is directly related to the quality of secondary school English teaching in rural areas. Therefore, Chinese secondary teachers should take responsibility for their own self-development to embrace the changing world. They should receive continually new ideas, obtain modern means of education, to be creative, to improve their practical abilities. All Chinese English teachers throughout their career need to meet the challenge of improving their proficiency constantly in English. Reflective teaching, collaborative learning, peer teaching, I think, are effective ways to achieve rural secondary school English teachers’ self-development.
  [1]Education Scotland,How Peer Teaching Improves Student Learning and 10 Ways To Encourage It.[online].Available at:http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/learningandteaching/approaches/peereducation/.
  [2]Gerlach,J.M.(1994)Is This Collaboration? In K.Bosworth,and S.J.Hamilton,ed.1994.Collaborative Learning:Underlying Processes and Effective Techniques,New Directions for Teaching and Learning No.59.
  [3]Lord,T(2001)101 reasons of using cooperative learning in biology teaching.The American.
  [4]Johnson,A.and Harrison,C.,1998.English for Secondary Teachers.London:Letts.
  [5]People’s Daily Online,2009 China Vows to Improve Teacher Quality in Rural Area.[online].Available at:[Accessed 1 11 September,2009].
  [6]Randall,M.and Thornton B.,2001.Advising and Supporting Teachers.Cambridge:Cambridge University.
【摘要】在高考中,英语书面表达成绩所占的比重相对较大,若想提高英语成绩,首先应当提高英语表达能力。基于此,笔者总结了自己在英语写作过程中存在的问题,并分别从注重课堂效率、多与教师沟通、扩大阅读量,夯实英语基础以及加强写作练习等方面,指出提高英语写作能力的方法,以此来提升高中生的英语写作水平。  【关键词】高中英语 英语写作 写作方法  前言  对于高中生来说,英语写作是英语学习的一大难点,在课下,
【摘要】传统应试英语写作教学带来的弊端是学生为了应付四六级考试大量背诵作文模板,而忽视了英语应用写作能力的培养。本文以《英语写作》课程中Summary摘要这一章节知识点为例,详细分析在互联网 思维下项目式教学法在大学英语写作课堂中的运用。  【关键词】互联网 项目任务型教学 大学英语写作课教改  引言  随着“互联网 ”时代的到来,新兴信息技术与大学英语教学的融合颠覆了传统英语教学理念和模式。在
【摘要】在学习高中英语知识的时候,我们必须牢记并熟练掌握英语单词,才能够夯实英语学习基础,提高英语知识学习及利用水平。因此,在高中英语学习中,我们有必要掌握正确的词汇学习方法。  【关键词】英语 词汇 单词 词根 词缀 发音  引言  在高中英语学习中,我们必须掌握足量的词汇知识,才有助于提高对英语知识、语法等的理解运用水平。受到语言差异影响,在英语词汇学习中,我们会遇到较大的阻碍、浪费较多的时间
【摘要】文章首先通过对多模态话语分析的解释,再将该理论与幼儿师范生的英语课堂教学灵活结合,通过分析得出:该理论在实际的课堂教学中,改进了传统的英语课堂教学方式,促进了幼师生对英语知识的理解和吸收,提高了教学质量。  【关键词】多模态话语分析 幼师生 英语课堂教学  【Abstract】The article explains the multimodal discourse analysis fi
【摘要】在开展高校英语语境教学过程中,很多教师都存在一定的困惑,就是如何帮助学生破解语言应用难题,提升学生的英语实践能力。在开展语境教学中,方法很重要,找到好的高校英语语境教学方法,整个教学也就基本成功了,在开展教学过程中,教师要找准教学关键,根据学生的身心特点,需求有效的教学策略,提高教学水平。  【关键词】高校 英语 语境教学 教学创新  语境教学是高校英语教育的重要内容,如何让学生学会应用英
【摘要】情景认知理论将实践与学习融为一体,在教育活动中起到了不可替代的作用。近年来,高校英语翻译专业对于情景认知理论的应用也在逐渐深入。本文根据情景认知理论的概念及特性,分析了该理论对高校英语翻译教学的作用,并对情景认知理论对于高校英语翻译教学的启示进行了浅析。  【关键词】情景认知理论 高校英语 翻译教学  情景认知作为一种可以促进知识向真实世界转化并加以应用的学习方式,对教育有着深远的意义。但
【摘要】高等学校的英语学习关乎学生的未来职业发展。作为农业大国,我国的农业发展急需国际化的复合型人才,以学生的实际需求为导向的专门用途英语成为了英语教学改革的方向。本文通过分析目前农业类院校的英语教学现状,结合理论和调查问卷等方式,探讨在农业类院校开展专门用途英语的可行性。  【关键词】专门用途英语 农业类院校 英语教学改革  随着我国社会地位的提高,越来越多的复合型人才投入到国际事务中。在日常交
【摘要】大学英语的教学方式一直是一个大学英语教师都普遍关注的课题。随着信息时代的到来,移动通信技术发展迅速, 科学技术突飞猛进,大学生智能手机用户普及率不断提高。因此,信息教学也越来越受到教育者们的广泛关注,并衍生出了很多教育产品。微信,作为一种交流方式已成为当下大学生日常交际必不可少的沟通工具之一, 其互动性、即时性、便携性和廉价性等优势为大学英语教学提供了新的可能和方向。  【关键词】大学英语
【Abstract】As the communicative purpose of language is taken into consideration, the focus of the listening classroom changes from developing comprehension to communicative competence. The whole paper