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目的分析山东省滨州市2008年麻疹流行病学特征。方法采用描述流行病学方法,分析2008年滨州市麻疹疫情特点,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgM抗体。结果2008年该市共报告麻疹确诊病例811例,实验室确诊病例464例,占总病例的57.21%;临床/流行病学确诊病例347例,占总病例的42.79%,年发病率为21.73/10万,发病模式呈散发与暴发并存;病例分布广泛,并有明显的季节性。1-5月发病例数占总病例数的96.05%,1-4月为发病高峰;病例分布有明显的地域差异,发病相对集中地区的病例占总病例数的66.34%;≤15岁儿童发病占总病例数的56.10%,其中学龄前儿童病例占总病例数的38.22%,小学生病例占总病例数的17.39%;病例中无免疫史和免疫史不详占87.92%。结论山东省滨州市2008年麻疹发病水平骤升,发病时间有明显季节性,1-4月为发病高峰。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of measles in 2008 in Binzhou, Shandong Province. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemic situation of measles in Binzhou in 2008 and the measles IgM antibody was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results In 2008, a total of 811 cases of measles were confirmed, 464 cases were laboratory confirmed, accounting for 57.21% of the total cases, 347 cases of clinical / epidemiological diagnosis, accounting for 42.79% of the total cases and the annual incidence was 21.73 / 100,000, the incidence pattern was emanating and outbreak coexist; cases are widely distributed, and there is a clear seasonal. From January to May, the number of cases accounted for 96.05% of the total number of cases, the peak incidence from January to April; the distribution of cases showed obvious regional differences, the incidence of relatively concentrated areas accounted for 66.34% of the total number of cases; children ≤15 years of age Accounting for 56.10% of the total number of cases, of which preschool children accounted for 38.22% of the total number of cases, cases of primary school students accounted for 17.39% of the total number of cases; no history of immunization and immune history accounted for 87.92%. Conclusion The incidence of measles in 2008 in Binzhou City, Shandong Province has risen sharply. The onset time is obviously seasonal, and the peak is from January to April.
摘 要: 新课改下,英语后进生的出现,在一定程度上影响了教学活动的顺利进行。本文从五个方面探讨如何提高后进生的英语学习兴趣,以帮助后进生在学业上取得成功。  关键词: 后进生 英语教学 学习兴趣  随着英语新课改在甘肃省的深入实施,英语后进生的出现,成为英语教学过程中一个急需解决的问题。如何激发和提高后进生学习英语的兴趣,是教师必须认真对待、思考和研究的问题,是摆在广大英语教师面前的一个艰巨任务。
摘 要: 导入是课堂教学的重要环节,英语课堂教学没有导入或导入不好,则不能激发学生阅读的兴趣。教师应根据课型和教学内容的不同,精心设计出多种新课导入的方式,为学生创造一种轻松、愉悦的学习环境,提高英语课堂教学效率。  关键词: 初中英语教学 课堂导入 教材特点  一、引言  《英语课程标准》按年级分级设定了学习能力目标,这就使教师在大胆处理教材、灵活运用教学资源、挖掘教学潜力方面拥有了更大空间。对
中药蒲黄为香蒲科植物水烛香蒲 Typha angustifolia L.东方香蒲 Typha orientalis Ptsel.H或同属植物的干燥花粉 [1 ]为常用的收敛止血药。载于《神农本草经》,列为上品。在