加强学科能力意识 培养历史思维品质

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历史学科能力是要求学生所能达到的“对历史认识的某种水准”,“是指学生为适应和完成历史学科学习活动和调节自身学习行为所需具备的心理个性和现实品质”,是学生理解、掌握和运用历史知识的条件,完成历史学习任务的保证。随着近年来高考改革力度的加大,学科能力的要求越来越集中于如何测量历史思维能力上。不管是素质教育的要求抑或选拔性考试的需要,我们都必须重视发展以历史思维能力为核心的学科能力,而要取得高效应的思维成果,从单纯的“应试”型书呆子转变为高分高能的“智能”型有用人才,必须根据历史学科的特点和要求,培养良好、健康的历史思维品质。一、打破思维定势,培养思维的创造性高考历史中突破思维定势已成为检测能力的重要命题原则。在当今高考日渐重视对历史思维创造性考查的形势下,思维定势容易使考生在解答历史题目时,不对问题作具体分析,而是盲目运用特定经验、习惯方法去解答问题,从而影响和阻碍问题得到正确解决。比如,1998年高考第12题,要求学生选出对义和团“扶 The ability of history disciplines requires students to be able to achieve “a certain level of understanding of history”, “refers to the students to adapt to and complete the history of learning activities and to adjust their own learning behavior required to have the psychological personality and the actual quality”, is a student Understand, master and use the conditions of historical knowledge to complete the guarantee of historical learning tasks. With the increase of college entrance examination reforms in recent years, the requirements for academic ability are increasingly concentrated on how to measure historical thinking ability. Regardless of whether it is the requirements of quality education or the need for selective examinations, we must all attach importance to the development of academic ability with historical thinking as the core, and we must achieve high-impact thinking results from a simple “test” type nerd to a high score high energy. The “smart” type of useful personnel must cultivate good and healthy historical thinking quality according to the characteristics and requirements of the historical discipline. First, to break the mindset, cultivate creative thinking in the history of the college entrance examination to break through the mindset has become an important proposition principle of detection capabilities. In today’s college entrance examination, which is increasingly focusing on the creative consideration of historical thinking, it is easy for the mindset to make candidates not specifically analyze problems when answering historical topics. Instead, they blindly apply specific experiences and habits and methods to answer questions, thereby affecting and hindering problems. Correctly resolved. For example, in Question 12 of the 1998 college entrance examination, students were asked to vote for support for the Boxers.
1 制作材料透明有机玻璃、甘油、环氧体铁粉、蹄形磁铁。2 制作方法a.取一蹄形磁铁,先量取其正侧面尺寸及长度后,分别放宽1.5~2cm,按此尺寸将有机玻璃板锯成长方形的4块,把它们用有机玻璃粘
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